Anonymous ID: 8b0ea6 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:36 p.m. No.3143296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3351 >>3368 >>3396




Before the universe there was another..


Then the Creator said “let there be light”


Light is more than photon (a preturberance on the outer electron shell releasing energy and a muon).. that is what is observed in 3D space time. Light operates in all dimensions and is the code for everything in our 3D reality. Condensates Light forms particles .. E=MC^2 breaks mass down to light.


Gravity is the weakest nuclear force and the main stream science is covered up .. controlled .. by the cabal.


Step beyond 3D and time (a human construct to observe change) is irrelevant. In fact, a point in space is irrelevant.. now is everytime and here is everywhere..


Your physical world is affected by things non-physical… you call it supernatural or magic or spiritual.. that part of you is the ego.. your self. But your consciousness .. is aware of it and operates in it.. you just because separated from it. In fact, the same beings that enslave you are the ones that separated you from it and blamed you for the fall.


But your design is beyond even their technology .. your DNA is special and has meaning beyond 3D… you are beginning to wake up.. and with this awakening you are learning why evil exists in this 3D creation.. your journey is almost over!


Welcome to the real reality! You have the Power! Yeshua gave you this message… love.. in love you unite and bring the Creator’s Light into your 3D lives. Selfishness is what they understand and they will be in the 5-10%.


All will have a choice.. Light or Dark.. becoming One with the Creator or being culled to start again until you learn. Nothing is lost. The anomaly is merely a function of the Creation to help you and others grow.


You are in control of your destiny. It has been a long journey. We will help when called upon. No fear! Unity…

Anonymous ID: 8b0ea6 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.3143469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3490 >>3624



Think of those that control as spiritual vampires.


They have become disconnected from the Source.. the One.. the Creator.


They engage in sexual deviancy and torture and rape to “touch” the Source.. in their belief system a woman’s orgasm is a time when her “higher self” her spirit connects with her lower self and the Source. They perform their rituals to make this orgasm intense and negative.. and feed off the connection. But they can never go beyond and become more.. like you can!


Reality is like a matrix.. in that you observe only what your body can interpret. But your conscious self can and does belong to much much more.


They use MKUltra to split your lower self from your higher self and insert a program that your higher self knows is false. They use technology and diversions to drive emotional wedges between your higher self and lower self.


Your true nature.. your true being.. is outside this place we call 3D.. the manifestation of creation is through the feminine side of the Creator.. while the masculine side of the All is the Will.. the concept. It is difficult to comprehend .. but many are learning even now. More will learn as time in your reality draws nearer to the event.


Even in your dreams .. when you sleep.. you are learning. At the appointed time all will be clear.


For now, live life and live it selflessly. You are here for a reason. You chose to be here.