Anonymous ID: 8ebda2 Sept. 22, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.3143652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3708

On this fine day in America, another day spent fighting the lunatic-left's attempt to destroy and subvert our nation, as a card-carrying migrant child from The Republic of Kekistan, I think it's a wonderful time to remind the nation that somehow barrack hussein obama, the fraud, was able to ascend to the vaunted position of editor of the Harvard Law Review but somehow failed to correct his biography in the publication he oversaw which repeatedly listed him as having been born in Kenya (pic related).


No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

  • Article II, Section 1, Clause 5


An interesting aside is that there is an article titled "On the Meaning of 'Natural Born Citizen'"

….published by the Harvard Law Review, Obama's alma-mater, during the second term of his administration, where they twist logic into a pretzel in an attempt to water-down the original intention of the founding fathers. Judge Kavanaugh, closer to being an 'originalist' or 'strict constructionist' (as was Justice Antonin Scalia), I'm guessing, would agree with a more narrowly defined interpretation. A link to an essay on 'Presidential Eligibility' written by The Heritage Guide to The Constitution is pasted below.


If one believes 'gender fluidity' to be an 'implied right' within The Constitution, that the subjective concept of 'priviledge' ought to be recognized as an identifiable harm worthy of compensation for those adversely effected by it, and that recognition of these concepts should be mandated, under color of law and through the use of the Federal government's unique force monopoly….

…or that it should constitute as a discriminatory offense to deprieve 'non-binary', 'non-cisgendered' adult males use of women's bathrooms, or that 'safe spaces' must be allocated on all college campuses which receive federal funds, or that a proportional representation of government-subsidized housing must be found in every community, in every state receiving Federal highway grants, then I support your right to oppose Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation. If, however, you believe in sanity, the rule of law and the guiding principles of the American Constitution, founded upon over two-hundred and fifty years of stare-decisis, you must oppose the opposition and 'resist' the calls from pussy-hat protestors and morally bankrupt self-appointed 'leaders' of the democratic party to derail these proceedings and continue to denigrate the once venerated Senate and further tarnish its Constitutional role of 'advice and consent' for nominees to the United States Supreme Court.



