Anonymous ID: 92697f Sept. 22, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.3143496   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Just Two NY Times Paragraphs On Russiagate - A Striking Admission


"This week The New York Times published an epic 10,000 word piece entitled "The Plot to Subvert and Election - Unraveling the Russia Story So Far."


It's essentially the Times' summary of everything that can be definitively established thus far after two years of national obsession and inquiry into alleged Russian election meddling and influence that supposedly ushered Trump into the White House in 2016.


The massive investigative piece has the following lede at the top: For two years, Americans have tried to absorb the details of the 2016 attack — hacked emails, social media fraud, suspected spies — and President Trump’s claims that it’s all a hoax. The Times explores what we know and what it means.


But what do we learn? Buried among the nearly 200 paragraphs of seemingly endless intelligence "claims" wherein the reader will be disappointed to find no smoking gun detailing any actual conspiracy of meddling and collusion, we find two specific paragraphs — which though contradictory — are incredibly revealing about the nature of the whole 'Russiagate' scandal. "


Q on target, as always. FAKE NEWS throwing the puppets under the bus to preserve a more 'valuable' msm control over the masses (slipping).

They will FAIL.

Anonymous ID: 92697f Sept. 22, 2018, 4:08 p.m. No.3143689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3768


Very VERY nice to have you back, BSA. I was in the process of compiling some of your posts from bread #1 on this board, still combing.


Tell us, did you ever do anything similiar in cbts or great awakening boards?

Lastly, those 'cowards' on the other side: have they decided it is the time for them to bother opening their eyes yet (you mentioned in the beginning that was the phase when the dragon is thinking whether it should bother or not).

Anonymous ID: 92697f Sept. 22, 2018, 4:26 p.m. No.3143917   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You are looking at a split in the minimum, which ironically will result in a stronger China in the long term.


now I seem to recall you mentioning putin's nature/role and how this will be somewhat revealed via sochi events. You also implied that Xi is nowhere near being clean and stated outright his actions to set himself up as the life time emperor is efforts to create bulwark against future exposition of his (or his people's) involvement in corruption and NK related activities.


I am VERY interested to see how both these leaders navigate the current events. Many of the 'sanctions' particularly to russia seem to actually assist putin in his bid to oust his obstacles/rivals and establish his power. china and the current 'trade war' situation, on the other hand, seems more nuanced. Xi can certainly use it against actors domestically since he now has perfect alibi, but how much is he and POTUS really aligned?


Q stated we have TREMENDOUS world wide support. Going above our pay grade here in a sense, but I would be very hopeful if we had allies in top circles in other nations.



> coordinated effort to take away American guns has apparently foreign interests. Why would another country care if Americans have guns?

You have stated repeatedly in the past that we needed to in essence let go of duality in our mindset and think of the whole picture, in terms of power and energy as well as cause-effect, poker game state of mind.


This post should tie in well 1+1 style with this - using very simple gun control example to show how apparent 'national' issues are but one piece of world wide mechanism of RISK with players on board.




Which all leads back here:

>Rothschild/Soros level people


I believe the appropriate phrase for them is 'you are ready or not ready, nothing else'.

If what you stated is current reality, is there a way to stem their influence in our daily lives/evade the traps?


Is POTUS a genuine threat to them along with our allies world wide?


If in fact they are effectively locked in WAR with POTUS and allies, from your vantage point, how is the war developing?


I really appreciate your time to respond to any of our posts. This is very valuable for all of us.