Anonymous ID: aca134 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:32 p.m. No.3143250   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Is UKIP in danger of a first step to Muslim concentration camps?’: Party is blasted after putting forward Muslim-only prisons plan 'to stop extremists converting fellow inmates'


UKIP has called for Muslim-only jails to stop extremist prisoners converting fellow inmates to their ideology.

A manifesto released for this weekend's UKIP conference in Birmingham also called for the screening of Muslim immigrants to stop extremists arriving in the UK.

But activist Maajid Nawaz said the proposed policy was in 'danger of becoming a first step to Muslim concentration camps'.

The hard-line proposals came as UKIP leader Gerard Batten denied that he was steering the party to the far right, after he confirmed that Tommy Robinson would be allowed to join the party.

Former leader Nigel Farage warned the party faces 'total and utter marginalisation' if it moves to the extremes of politics.