Anonymous ID: 5db16f Sept. 22, 2018, 4:34 p.m. No.3143994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4035 >>4546 >>4597

Orrin Hatch: ‘We are no closer to hearing from Dr. Ford’


Senate Judiciary Committee lawmakers are “no closer to hearing” from the woman who accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her more than 30 years ago, according to a senior Republican.


Chairman Chuck Grassley gave Christine Blasey Ford a 2:30 p.m. Saturday deadline to accept his invitation to appear before the committee next Wednesday, following days of back-and-forth over the timing and conditions under which she might discuss her allegation about Kavanaugh. Her legal team accepted the invitation, but made clear they still want to negotiate the terms, drawing complaints from Republicans.


“[T]his is exactly where we were on Monday morning,” Sen. Orrin Hatch’s team tweeted in response. “[W]ithout agreeing to a date, time and terms we are no closer to hearing from Dr Ford [than] we were when her lawyers said Dr. Ford was willing to testify during their media tour [ . . .] six days ago.”

“After 5 days of delays, days in between replies as the lawyers continued countless media appearances, the committee requested response by 5 PM yesterday,” Hatch’s team tweeted. “They then extended to 10 PM Then they extended again until 2:30 today Further delay is strong signal this is about politics.”