I dindu nuffin, but thanks BV
and thanks baker
its a "private site to prevent paytriots" or something, was told that by an anon
no clue anon
I personally haven't saved any, anons likely have
the middle one has the post Q replied to in the frist crumb so its partially disinfo, don't think thats from that site either
that faggot shitposts +20 times about nonsensical physics and geometry
its fucking ridiculous
told the fuck to go to a physics forum a few weeks ago, and came back and said he had gotten banned from it
kekked for a good minute
let me clarify: meant its what the narrative is, its told a 757 flew into the pentagon
but Q should clarify this part, the alien/space ones are pretty straight forward
no anon, aside it being fake and gay news, they were going to wear a wire to catch POTUS saying something that would supposedly warrant the 25th amendment
yes, POTUS can nominate someone else
but its not POTUS who wins/loses, its the majorities in the house/senate
so if R's keep the house/senate (which we will), we'd nominate another
if D's take them, they'd block it
that being said, Kavanaugh will be confirmed before midterms
likely this week
just saying it'd be nice for confirmation of that by Q
good luck flying that low ffs