Favorite meme of the day.
Some shill on here hates anything with Barry the muzzie in it but oh well.
Favorite meme of the day.
Some shill on here hates anything with Barry the muzzie in it but oh well.
We found our shill lurking here. He cant stand the Barry Black Panther memes. Lolololo he hasnt stopped for hours.
Meme bombing Barry right now on twatter just because of him.
Nice try, except we are pulling out who is lurking on here by triggering them. Every time for the last few hours the meme of Barry was put up, one Anon seemed overly stressed, anxious, and triggered and just has to stop it. A true Anon wouldnt be so trigfered and would see that someone is playing with them and exposing the shill lurking.
Bye bye Barry the criminal
There is our one shill. Told ya.
Yeah, and Democrars loved him until he became Republican because he was so ashamed of the Demonrats.
Fun fact #3, Reagan was a Democrat and left the part because he felt it was a disgrace. He became the most popular President ever, highest vote percentage in both elections ever. Demonrats suddenly hated him.
Told you the shills be on here.
Told you shills were on here since early morning. They wait and then when triggered start attacking.
Lol Desperate?
Pure evil
Love Erik Prince! True Patriot. Devos is a Patriot too. Cleaning up our socialist education system.
Just look at the difference.
Thank God for TRUMP!
The shills really get triggered at the Barry and Hitlery memes. Fire away!