Another sucide….
KEK!!! They need this guy at gitmo!!!
Thought it would make you smile today after all the shills!!!
Wow, just read. That
Try all the peanut butter thebkid wants, coffee in the morning and coffee in evening, cream and sugar… sugar snacks in day… ADHD kids have the opposite metabolism then normies, what slows a adhd kid down speeds up a normie… and vise versa… they tried shoving ritilian on my son… after one year he almost committed sucide at age 6! Ended up a grand mall seizure almost died from it!!! Read online a diet change works better then PILLS!!!!!
They took son off the drugs, went to an all natural diet , NO processed foods!! And he graduated with a regular diploma… took college courses for auto repair and works a 40+ hour a week for the last 13 years. He won’t even take an aspirin now.
Why does this sound like a gay love affair????
Couldn’t have said that better!!!
I also run two FB for my paranormal group I own. Two FB for crafting only, a FB for my service dog ( yes she has her own page total patriotic) , run support pages for the SD group my dog is from, a page for my son to connect with classmates only, FB for my family only, 2 travel FB pages for when on the road. 2 ptsd pages for women only, and a FB page for 3 d rendering. A blog, twatter, and 3 web pages.
COPTERS over central missouri MIDWEST! Mil!