Raymond Sackler: The Philanthropist Who Helped Spawn the Opioid Crisis
"Raymond Sackler was the last of three brothers whose controversial company many blame for unleashing a nationwide plague of addiction and overdose to narcotic painkillers with a pill that made the family one of the wealthiest in America."
"The Sackler brothers grew up in Brooklyn, sons of Jewish émigré grocers from Eastern Europe. All three went to medical school and became psychiatrists. They were raised with a left-wing bent, flirting with the (((Communist Party))) in the 1930s. Arthur ran New York City’s first integrated (((blood bank))), and was an early and avid nonsmoker."
"The New York Times reported that both Raymond and Mortimer were studying skin burns for the Atomic Energy Commission when the agency dismissed them in 1953 for refusing to sign an oath promising to report colleagues overheard in conversations considered subversive."
"used these strategies to turn (((Valium))) into the industry’s first $1 billion drug."
"marketed an antibiotic, (((Terramycin))), for a then-unknown chemical company, Pfizer."
"the firm grew to national importance with the 1996 release of (((OxyContin))) another timed-release narcotic painkiller, this time marketed to the much larger population of acute-pain patients and chronic-pain sufferers."
"In 1995 both Mortimer and Raymond Sackler were (((named Knights of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II)))"
"Today, Arthur’s daughter, Elizabeth Sackler, the current president of the Arthur Sackler Foundation, works directly with (((George Soros))) at the pro-drug legalization Drug Policy Alliance"
"When (((Obama))) was elected President of the United States, in 2008, with George Soros’ money a prominent feature of that election, the message that radiated out to all the drug-producing countries of the world, amounted to an open invitation to start flooding the United States with even larger amounts of illegal drugs, because the effort to stop it would be minimal and eventually inconsequential."
"This opium war against the American people is being run directly out of the Oval Office, where President Obama has given the British Empire’s Dope, Inc. a carte blanche to carry out a multi-faceted menticide and genocide against the American people."
https:// www.nytimes.com/2017/07/19/business/raymond-sackler-dead-of-purdue-pharma.html
https:// www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/12/28/raymond-sackler-obituary-216185
http:// www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2016/eirv43n06-20160205/56-60_4306.pdf
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purdue_Pharma