You know why Trump is winning? He and his father had to deal extensively with the mob in New York. When the mob got arrested the power shifted to the Democrats. Unions love Democrats.
This is an internal war using the Phoenix Project as a template. Understand this and you will understand what is going on.
Remember we have Betsy DeVos and her brother Erik Prince working for us.
Who are their heroes these days? They seem to have distanced themselves from Hillary. I have found using r/politics to test gives me the best data on narratives and would probably do the same for who they support viciously.
Rethink, they are not evil.
I have not worked r/politics in the last week but I can tell you they have completely distanced themselves from Hillary at this point. Hillary memes are useless.
Using the first few articles r/politics for enemy information yields that they are:
Anti-trump (obvious)
pro Nancy Pelosi
Anti DeVos
Pro (illegal) immigrant
The best plan is to go after the "Pro" with friendly memes and educate them. An example would be a pro union guy with a hardhat smiling saying "My Union works for me" and then in the next frame something terrible like "even though I make cement shoes for a living"
Kaine is one of the new mob bosses