I just got on s I'm sorry if this is off topic. I have been redpilling the Hell out of myself lately. I Have Sarcoidosis so I am made by PCP to get a flu shot and my pneumonia shot when due or I am considered non conforming and will be dropped. I'm on 8 different medications! I was diagnosed with Lupus 2 months ago! My redpilling myself, and reading all the Big pharma stuff has scared me to death! I have every specialist there is due to all organs being involved. What to do is the question???? I think that the medications I was on for the sarcoidosis caused the secondary auto immune disorder. ADVICE please. I'm stupid! I know that now, no need to tell me… I just need advice on what to do at this point. I can't cold turkey the methotrexate! The rest I probably could. but, my lungs are damaged, so I'm afraid to stop the meds. CRAP!!!!! I feel screwed!
>>315153 I don't want to say the name of the Barracks, not sure if that's considered doxxing, but we were in W. Germany as well… do you know of any cases of rare auto immune disorders in people who were in Desert Storm?