I have to get this out here as the flicker of free speech on twatter is being slowly and steadily fading. Anons, I believe that it is imperative that we accelerate the red-pilling of all true progressives out there. A good % of berners saw the light before the Election and many have woke since. However, there still remains a good bloc, semi-woke, which IMO would get us to the needed tipping point to start the cascade. “The Sane Progressive” is a good example. These people are mostly intelligent but suffer from a damnable blind spot with POTUS. Any meme bakers out there who can meme to the burnt-out, confused and disillusioned Berners out there? Thank you anons, it’s been an honor to stand filling the breach with you.
Good idea. There are a few of these folk with large followings who can’t seem to take the last step. HA Gudman is a perfect example along with The Sane Prog. We need these voices and their followers. I’ve tried every which way to red-pill them on twatter as have others. Maybe others anons who man the trenches there can concentrate fire in their direction. Thanks anon.
That’s good but I think we can be more direct with these folks. They are stuck in a circular loop of cognitive dissonance. They know that the primaries were rigged against Bernie, that he’s now a Shill, they hate the DNC, understand that a Deep State exists (although that phrase triggers them. They respond better to TPTB or the “powerful elite”), know that the Russian Collusion claim is a hoax yet they STILL think that POTUS is a puppet. Despite being constantly under fire by the MSM for well over a year now.
Maybe something along like “Yunno, sometimes 2+2 Does Equal Four” while listing the obvious for them. I think that Mockingbird still has a grip on them. In fact I’m sure as they are always raging against this or that MSM piece which we all know is a waste of time.
Yes. I don’t think that they’ve been red-pilled on the actual scope and life of the Operation. They can’t see the forest for the trees blocking their view.
Tried anon but got this:
“Content is available under CC__BY-SA__3.0 unless otherwise noted.”
After The storm has passed, a big part of the cleansing will be major reforms, including term limits and voluntary and routine audits by a new agency that replaces the IRS. Dropping insider information is certainly one of the major carrots working in combo the compro stick from illegal surveillance.
Kek for using Q-like tactics, anon. You make us proud.
Good stuff, anon. I’d add raw milk from a trusted farmer, as well. Pasteurization kills the needed highly beneficial living nutrients which are awesome in restoring a worn-down immune system. No tv (live MSM) and H20 from the purest aquifer you can find. Know the legacy Superfund sites and always get your water from upstream, tested aquifers. A solid game plan instead of going full-prepper which is fear-based and counterproductive, IMO. But to each his own.
Like with every other Swamp and DS dweller, more than enough evidence exists, especially in POTUS’s hands, that the MSM is a clear and present danger. It is the only piece keeping the shaky House of Cards standing. We can only trust that POTUS is holding fire on Pravda America, waiting for the right moment. Thought we’d see more CEOs falling, but like Pedowood, they’re highly resilient.
Yup. An MD WH who doesn’t want to become suicided…
Q Team has to take out all of the bad operators performing wet_works on Drs and other groups with apparent impunity. Thought it would taper off with MS-13 crack down. Still many out there waiting for orders to make an example outta Dr. X. Need the owls.
Kek. It’s why they prescribe opioids with acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead of aspirin. Do NOT consume alcohol with Tylenol.