Anon ID: 077caa Sept. 22, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.3145628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5877

Grassley leaks: The ongoing negotiations are ongoing. Kavanaugh will testify that he was actually attacked by her. Then Mark Judge came to his rescue. Then the music stopped. Then there was a bathroom break. Then he ran downstairs and he knows he was upset. He bumped into someone and she spilled her beer and called him a jerk. When he turned around to apologize she said, “Hey you’re kind of cute, want to go upstairs?” Now she’s called as a surprise witness because he found out who she was. So he’s cleared. But the Senate is so disgusted by this story that it’s going to be decided by Flake at the last moment. Then we find out that McCain told him in a dream that Kavanaugh was innocent but vote his conscience. So he votes no, because he hates Trump.