Anonymous ID: 00b313 Sept. 22, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.3146261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6290

Covert Intelligence Sources on the ground in Syria confirm to me directly these aircraft are bringing in brand new Russian S-300 Anti-Aircraft Defense Systems supplied by Russia, with all the latest upgrades.


Normally certain vehicle components of these systems make them almost impossible to transport by cargo aircraft. But today, those components are arriving DIS-ASSEMBLED, i.e. the rocket tubes normally mounted to the top of launcher trucks, have now been detached to fit in the planes. Similarly, radar components normally attached to trucks, have also been detached to allow all of it to fit inside planes. Upon arrival, these planes are being swiftly unloaded with the cargo carefully obscured from public view.


It is estimated that within the past few hours, at least HALF A DOZEN model S-300 systems have already arrived inside Syria. These are said to be complete systems: Vehicles, Launch Tubes, Rockets, Radar, and Communications. More are already confirmed to be on the way.


The modern version of the S-300 air defense missile system is extraordinarily capable. It has much farther effective range than the old Syrian S-200, and once installed, will be able to track and shoot down planes INSIDE the entire sovereign territory of Israel.


This was long-ago declared by Israel to be one of their "Red Lines"; A cause for them to immediately attack or even go to war.


But after Israel used a Russian Electronics Intelligence plane as radar cover earlier this week, in order for Israel to launch a sneak attack with missiles upon Syria, resulting in the old Syrian S-200 erroneously locking-on to the Russian plane and shooting it down, Russia is now ready to face off with the Israelis.


The supplying of these completely updated S-300 systems to Syria is a "game changer." Said one of my former colleagues in the Intelligence community "Nothing good is going to come out of this. This takes the troubles to a whole new level."