Anonymous ID: 2ab161 Sept. 22, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.3146438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6493 >>6556


Well worth the read

Who is JESSIE LIU and Why you should know

Let’s talk about and focus on some FACTS about Andrew McCabe and the Grand Jury that has been empaneled in DC.


To the naysayer’s who say thing’s such as ‘MCCABE WILL WALK…HE’S BEING TRIED IN THE SWAMP ITSELF, DC!!’


Yes, the Grand Jury has been empaneled IN DC

Trump and Session’s were BUSY working on the US ATTORNEY’S AT THE SAME TIME!


Session’s then began placing HIS GUY’S/LADIES IN THOSE OFFICES.

AG Session’s replaced ALL of the US Attorney’s except ONE.

Session’s didn’t choose WHO would head up the DC Office.



Anonymous ID: 2ab161 Sept. 22, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.3146651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6733 >>6872 >>6942 >>6961 >>7043



The Last Pope? Revisiting the Prophecy of St. Malachy


Are we living in the times of the last pope in Church history?


Archbishop Ganswin, papal secretary to both Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, has dramatically brought the Church’s attention back to an ancient prophecy that predicts that Benedict XVI will be the second-to-the-last pope prior to the return of Jesus Christ.


In an interview last May 20, 2016, on the occasion of the launch of a book about Benedict XVI’s papacy written by Fr. Roberto Regoli, Archbishop Ganswin called attention to the “prophecy of the popes” attributed to St. Malachy, and said that prophecy is a “wake-up call”.


St. Malachy, an Irish Catholic bishop, was known as a gifted prophet, even predicting the date of his own death in 1148. The first native-born Irishman to be canonized, he is known in the Roman Catholic Church for his work as a healer, a miracle worker, and as a reformer of the Church in Ireland. He was canonized in 1190 by Pope Clement III. Malachy was visiting Rome in 1139 when he went into a trance and received a vision. He wrote down this extraordinary vision in which he claims to have foreseen all of the popes from the death of Innocent II until the destruction of the church and the return of Christ. He named exactly 112 popes from that time until the end.


Was Pope Benedict XVI Forced to Resign?


Although through the years many critics have questioned the authenticity of the prophecy, many scholars and even clergy have come to its defense, citing the incredible accuracy of the descriptions of the future popes.


A modern version of Malachy’s prophecies was published in 1969 by Archbishop H. E. Cardinale, the Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium and Luxembourg. Cardinale wrote “it is fair to say the vast majority of Malachy’s predictions about successive Popes is amazingly accurate – always remembering that he gives only a minimum of information.”

The Final Entry: The Last Pope


The final of the 112 Latin entries of the prophecy reads as follows.


.If there will be a false pope in the end times, as predicted by numerous reputable mystics and Marian apparitions, who then is “Peter the Roman”? While many have interpreted “Peter the Roman” to refer to Pope Francis, there is a weight of evidence, covered by this publication, which seems to indicate that Pope Francis is leading the Church in a vastly different direction from his predecessors.



The prophecy of St. Malachy is, in the words of Archbishop Ganswein, a “wake up call for us.” We are all called, in these perilous times – the times of the last pope – to become true soldiers of Jesus Christ, fighting to proclaim the full truth of the Catholic Faith against all error, and praying and imploring Our Lord: “Maranatha!”, come Lord Jesus!

Last Pope, Pope Francis, St. Malachy