Godspeed ID: 2c130f Sept. 22, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.3146275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6311


Saw this on voat and thought it did a good job sunning up Q.


Hi, I'm a conspiracy theorist. I love a conspiracy theory me. 9/11 an inside job? You betcha. Children being bought and sold in a Pizza shop?I'm all in for #Pizzagate. JFK was murdered by his own government, for trying to do the right thing? Sounds about right to me. I can't get enough conspiracy in my life. "There's Conspiracy Simon" people shout as I walk by. I'm a tin foil helmeted, they program me through my TV, and use my phones camera for surveillance, all in conspiracy theorist.


Imagine my surprise when I found one I'd never heard of before, in the winter of 2017. It was as wild as they come. Some 'person' was giving secret teachings on the world and all its machinations. Q he was called. He was relentless, giving out information and……… hang on that's wrong……..This Q wasn't giving information.


He was using something called the 'Socratic method'. I'm sure you are all familiar with it? No matter, It's a way of asking questions, so as to inspire critical thought in the recipient. Well, like I said, I love a conspiracy me. So I'm all over this Q thing. Turns out it involved a lot of politics, like real politics. I'm a Brit so I don't know about USA politics. Hell, I don't even know who the major politicians are in the UK. That's why we elect politicians though isn't it? We can just leave the thinking to them. Politicians can be trusted right? That's why we elect them. I'm not an idiot, They have my best interests at heart. They tell me all the time. Besides, I've got video games and underground internet message boards to shitpost on, to keep me busy. Oh! and conspiracy theories to keep up with. Politics wasn't my bag but I went along.


Anyway the strangest of things started to happen. I went to look for answers to Q's mysterious Socratic questions. Documents, documents, news articles, all sorts of stuff I had to read. Can someone not just give me the highlights in a 5 minute video? This research thing takes forever. I researched and chatted with others researching, and down the rabbit hole I tumbled. Only it wasn't like 'The Earth is flat' kind of conspiracy theory. It was more a 'look at your corrupt politicians' conspiracy theory. That's the thing isn't it? People getting together to commit crime, is a conspiracy. There is no theory about it, if you have evidence. We uncovered evidence, made links, built a map of connections, and archived it all for posterity.


Meanwhile in this 'conspiracy' on our underground message board, things were being reflected in real life. I know right? A conspiracy theory in real time. Donald Trump has already made a deal with Kim Jong Un stated Q. Yeah right! This is going to fall apart real fast. I kept eyes glued to my faithful MSM. It's on, It's off, It's on, It's off, they said day after day. It's done said Q. Then what do you know? There's Donald and Kim shaking hands on my TV. How the hell did that Q guy know? Trickery! Witchcraft! Only it kept happening. Things Q predicted actually happened. Then I noticed another strange thing, Media wasn't reporting 'News' I was finding on the net. How so?

Godspeed ID: 2c130f Sept. 22, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.3146282   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part 2


Well I already knew the answer. I love a conspiracy and I know about project Mockingbird. Thing is I knew about it, but only half believed it, and thought it ended in the 60's or something. Didn't it? Now I really saw it; Mockingbird didn't end, it got smarter and more subtle. I saw the people around me staring into their 3.5 inch screens constantly. A line from some old movie came into my head; 'We have always been at war, since we were born. It's not about who has the most bullets, It's about who controls the information' BOOM. How do I know, what I know? How do YOU know, what YOU know? It's a good question. One you should ask yourselves in all sincerity.


So 9 months on from discovering this 'conspiracy theory' I have now learned more than I ever did in all my years previous. I have taken an active interest in the politics of my country, and others. I won't allow myself to be spoon fed sound bites to shape my reality. In short I have never felt more alive or connected. The weird thing about this 'conspiracy' is; The people who already have governmental power, are not trying to get power. Paradox. I think I've been duped. It's not a conspiracy theory at all. it's a fight against corruption and righting wrongs that have been happening for years. Shame. You know me, I love a conspiracy. Guess i'll just see it through with this Q guy then, when it's done I can get back to my conspiracy theories. Real ones, Like the Earth being a Dodecahedron.


So i'd like to say welcome to any newbies on this board. Come meet the conspiracy theorists. Tin foil hats not needed. We will guide you. We will not force you to believe anything. We will answer questions and point you to evidence. We will accept you as you are, no matter your creed, colour, gender, sexuality, or religion. Here, you become patriots. No left or right. Just Dark to Light.


For your part we ask but two things; Research for yourself. An answer found is more powerful than an answer given.


Take your time; All of the information offered cannot be digested in a few hours; it may take weeks.


It's been a long road for anons and you have a lot of catching up to do.