Anonymous ID: c84790 Sept. 22, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.3146443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6706 >>6921


From 2014:


Free Masons stuck in the past on Dimentia Praecox, or are they?


They seem to be

" the Northern Supreme council supplies funds for education and for conducting research into the cause, prevention and cure of dementia praecox, one of the most malignant and prevalent diseases from which humanity suffers. "


They've spent a consider amount of time and attention on the subject over the years. The literature is heavily funded and I argue influenced by their fascination.

Anonymous ID: c84790 Sept. 22, 2018, 8:32 p.m. No.3146706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6758 >>6921



Similarities between the Free Mason funded science and the Nazi Science


Oxygen deprivation, cold weather experiments, Murdering children


Joseph Mengele- Auschwitz

"Germans had a desire to learn all and to achieve that goal quickly. So a superb opportunity was made available when the concentration camps were created, infinite test subjects.  Treated as if animals the subjects were put through mind-breaking and brutal experiments.  Cruel doctors, like Dr. Josef Mengele of Auschwitz, who murdered children just to observe after death effects (Altman, Linda Jacobs)."


"A worker at Auschwitz declared, "Dr . Josef Mengele of Auschwitz once murdered fourteen children in a single night so he could perform autopsies, or after death examinations, on their bodies" (Altman 62). As the leading doctor, Dr. Mengele had a near limitless amount of subjects to test on. Another doctor, at the prison camp"


BiegleBlok- Dachau:

"Dr. Wilhelm Beiglboeck did not murder subjects to perform autopsies, but used them while living(Altman, Linda Jacobs).  Beiglboeck was trying to make seawater drinkable using various chemicals(Altman, Linda Jacobs).  Using forty gypsies as his test subjects, he gave them only seawater treated with the chemicals to drink(Altman, Linda)"

"the subjects were not given any food or drink other than what was assigned to their group. Those who received some type of seawater ended up suffering from severe diarrhea, convulsions, HALLUCINATIONS, MADNESS, and eventual death.

Additionally , subjects were given either liver or spinal taps to GATHER DATA. …torturous and, in most cases, fatal."


More at Dachau:

Oxygen Deprivation

"From March 1942 to August 1942, experiments were conducted at the Dachau concentration camp, for the benefit of the German Air Force, to investigate the limits of human endurance and existence at extremely high altitudes.

The experiments were carried out in a low-pressure chamber in which atmospheric conditions at high altitude (up to 68,000 feet) could be duplicated.

The experimental subjects were placed in the low-pressure chamber and thereafter the simulated altitude therein was raised."


Why would you try to help your pilots by killing half of those you studied?

Anonymous ID: c84790 Sept. 22, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.3146921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7003









The elites were extremely interested in the "psychosis" and the biochemical causes for 3 main nefarious reasons:


  1. ritualistic purposes: sacrifice, blood, adrenochrome


  1. Soldiers: Mkultra (then and now) ______


  1. Science: physcial sciences, but also metaphysical (or so we like to think) sciences and also…

