Anonymous ID: 7b7759 Sept. 22, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.3147059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7277


Along that Note:

The kids at the school ; many many simply bled out


Need to teach ALL



To “Stop the Bleed”


Do Not Worry about losing a limb tie a belt or anything above the bleed in a traumatic situation and the stuff the wound with anything you have and apply as much pressure as you can! Period.


Studies prove loss of limbs are NOT due to cutting off blood supply it is bc of injuries.


Teach everyone you know to STOP THE BLEED ANYWAY NECESSARY!!


It saves lives!

Anonymous ID: 7b7759 Sept. 22, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.3147133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7143 >>7468

Anon got me posting—


There is a “Stop the Bleed” campaign going on if more kids from Sandy Hook did not bleed out they would have lived.

Many from the Las Vegas mass shooting Lived bc many people/ bystanders we medical and ex- military and they knew to “Stop the Bleed”


Anons- share this info


Many victims die because they do simply bleed out when things Can be done in the field to help them until EMS arrives or until they get to a hospital-


Stop the bleed— take your shirt off


Rip it in strips— make a belt of it stuff it in the wound — apply all your weight in pressure until help arrives. Do not worry about infection- if they are dead - infection won’t matter.


Spread the word


“Stop the Bleed”

Any way possible