Anonymous ID: b3b44c Sept. 22, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.3147297   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7310 >>7488


Yes, God the Father is our Lord and Savior, and Him alone.


I'm sounding the alarm that this Q op is a deception. I believed in it too, but not anymore. The Deep State is basically "faking its own death," and Trump/Q are part of the plan. My mind has been blown realizing how wicked this plot is; a very sophisticated "show," as Q puts it… Do you really think a billionaire is an "outsider?" He's mingled with them all his life. Do you really trust MI/NSA who are part and parcel of the MIC and have always been ruled by evil forces? Did they all suddenly turn into doves when Trump came in? Oh, but it's the white hats, right..? BS! White hats vs black hats is an illusion. You don't get into those positions without being compromised.


You don't have to believe me now, as long as you'll remember to have faith in God alone when you see see the truth of what I said. The Day of the Lord will come, and we can only rely on God to survive it. Everything else will fall apart. No MAGA on God's agenda… You've been warned.



Peace, and God bless!

Anonymous ID: b3b44c Sept. 22, 2018, 9:43 p.m. No.3147352   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7371 >>7385


Absolutely, God uses everything.


When the good people working in this endeavor realize they were betrayed, or that it doesn't go anywhere, then they will have no choice but to turn to God, Who they should have been focusing on wholeheartedly.


That will then be the REAL GREAT AWAKENING, and why I believe God is allowing this deception to happen.

Anonymous ID: b3b44c Sept. 22, 2018, 10:16 p.m. No.3147641   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7644 >>7660 >>7661 >>7690 >>7693 >>7697 >>7710 >>7712


There are no physical aliens. No one went to the moon. There is no secret 'space' program. There are classified propulsion systems, but none can leave the atmosphere, nor can any conventional means. Earth is definitely a sphere, but the flat earth people are correct about the space fraud, and that the universe is geocentric.


When Q stated that we are not alone, and suggested that "reality" is among the highest levels of classification, he played right into the hands of the New Age BS movement. Much of the information about aliens is put out by CIA disinfo, and the rest according to people's own delusions or "astral experiences." Mind you, the New Age movement was fostered and promulgated by occultists, and aliens are one of the major themes in many of those belief systems. If aliens really existed, there would be no reason to hide it, nor could it stay a secret. By keeping it a "secret" or rumor, it never has to face genuine public scrutiny. To neither confirm nor deny keeps the lie alive.


When Q stated that the moon landings happened, he became a NASA (Not A Space Agency) apologist. He then implied that it may have been accomplished by secret technology. That still means they lied to us, and also means they're hiding the goods… Whether you believe we never went to the moon, or that they did but not in the way we were told, THEY LIED. Q doesn't seem to be concerned with telling us the real truth.


The secret space program also ties into the alien beliefs. Many people think we got this alleged technology from aliens. They think our destiny is in the stars. All of these lines of thinking lead away from the purpose of God's creation of this world. If you read Genesis closely, all of the luminaries (sun, moon, stars, etc) were created for light upon the earth! We are the center of His creation, the apple of His eye, and thinking that we can just go planet hopping on a space plane and hang out with aliens, is part of a "New Age" (and ultimately atheistic) world view that leads people astray, and away from God!

Anonymous ID: b3b44c Sept. 22, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.3147694   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7812


I'm not using God's image, He has no image. People should always seek justice. That is what I seek.


My point is that we shouldn't put all our trust into Trump/Q to save us from this situation and take out the deep state, when they may actually be part of it.


We should always do what we can to achieve justice, but in the end, we will realize that our situation is hopeless, and we can only rely on God to save us.


This isn't to invoke fear or hopelessness, but to admit that this situation is not something we can overcome without Divine intervention. God wants us to realize this so that we CALL TO HIM! That is TRUE HOPE!

Anonymous ID: b3b44c Sept. 22, 2018, 10:38 p.m. No.3147802   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7815


Read Genesis carefully. Notice "in the beginning?"


Also, the earth existed before the luminaries! That doesn't support the idea that he was focused on other worlds, and aside from angels and demons, who seem to spend their time HERE, we never hear of any beings living on other physical worlds…


So it's your assumption, but based on sci-fi and occultic ideas.