Anonymous ID: 46462c Sept. 22, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.3147931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8197

Does she exist? If so, why hasn't anyone physically seen her?


Demonic Democrats Do Diabolical Misdeeds and Dig Up Deceitful Dirt to Derail Kavanaugh Nomination


Submitted by the Armchair Political Analyst

“The whole thing is a deliberate ruse!”


At this point it’s become crystal clear that the Democrats only had one intention by lodging the unproven accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.


Their explicit goal was to postpone the nomination vote until after the midterms.


Now that Christine Blasey Ford’s George Soros aligned attorney — Debra Katz — has demanded another FBI investigation and postponement of the vote their scheme has been exposed.


In other words, the Democrats had to concoct an event shocking and scandalous enough that it would push any confirmation vote after the elections when the political calculus might be radically changed.

Does Christine Blasey Ford even exist?


You really have to ask this question in view of the Democrat MO defined by deceitfulness.