Any of you figure out the secrets of 3,6,9 yet?? It unlocks a number of "secrets" hiding in plain sight.. The first is the presence of Infinity.. The pattern will repeat forever.., So to is true for life and the Universe.. The Universe always was & forever will be!! Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell something..
Another secret that is revealed from this Vortex math stuff is the shape of the Torus.. Which is the same shape of the "invisible" magnetic field that surrounds every particle, planet, star, galaxy and any form of life.. Presence of the Divine Energy.. The infinity symbol is really just a cross section of the torus ;)
The third secret revealed present the very basic concept of the alternating current.. As the current flows a magnetic field is generated.. The reverse is also true ;) Wherever there is a magnetic field, a current flows.. Electromagnetism is the One true Space Force!!