then rotate and then define angles.
note rotation need not be defined by 2 3 or 4 but just by what your mind can accept.
bend your grid
learn the world bends around you
The point is rotation is not just 2D.
Rotation can be 12 D if your mind can do that.
But rotation in 2 to 4 D shows us the higher dimensional views.
Anything and everything can be turned 90 degrees and viewed from that angle.
90 degrees from 2 d is 3
90 from 3 is 4
90 from 4 is 5
for the curious they ask why 90?
why because was loosing audience and had no other option. Kinda basic
brain playing tricks for a moment thought I saw a post with Planck length in it.
voat is not winning
honestly goog has it all. They knew where the Indonesian plane last was by simple gps.
to what end
each has own agenda basically
I do - I want to find next geometric physics model
you hare yours
but yes it is not about Q but sharing.
relax voat was a last ditch attempt to by pass censorship
If Q is real that will become something really big really soon
honestly there are a lot of fine details. Service provider thus private and lots of other issues.
honestly it amazes me that we fall into the same traps as liberals.
goog and twit - make it government!!!!!!!!!
really? It appears it is being misused yes and may need limits but….
Gov health care
Gov information?
as I said it is not an easy fix
if you give gov control of goog in 5-10 years all your info will be filtered much worse than now.
Just like health care gov fucks shit up.
Yes there is a problem with goog and twit
but calling for gov control is not the answer
it is the worst case scenario
Your health care provider?
in the past 5 years or I have seen how gov can ruin a system that works. I have spent hours on the phone just to get meds previously prescribed and normal usage that the gov has changed the rules on. Insulin.
note they do not deny you the insulin they just deny you the way to get it into your child's body. And then when your deductible or out of pocket is met they try every tactic to not fill the prescription.
never ever
tell me gov is the answer
Ok bring it. i pay 1,200 per month for health care and have to fight to get my daughters insulin supplies to keep her alive.
Fucking bring it bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is fields where the field interact with matter it causes the matter to change its course.
When you get to physics levels of matter is energy and energy is matter and fields are particles that is when it gets confusing.
No you obviously do not know how the system works. With insurance they knock off half off the top and pay their share. Without you owe it all. ie insulin alone would be a grand a month.
it is all rigged systems
health care
to information
Ok asshole
I have receipts
and I also have spent hours on the phone from provider to supplier and back and forth - so much every one runs from the room and shuts the door.
Don't try and tell me my life asshole
6 and 12 for two
The problem in opting out if you need care you pay twice or more the mark up cost.
no it is quantum physics proton schartzchild radius board.
15% is nothing when they drop half the cost to the insurance company. Then they pay their share and i pay mine. 15% is nothing to 80% less. For those that need little health care your system works for those with kids with diabetes the only option is health care.
No two reasons
They are just trying to break cryptography - moral issue
two they just are into numbers not geometry.
and the picture of mine you posted is the 30 degree Lorentz shift as i recall.
Pic two makes it easy yes.
scale shift
just figure the pattern of the scale shift and reapply
It looks like a simple wave form
if you can't figure it out - take it a dimension higher and you will see it