this dude is awesome!! I totally have a much better understanding about black holes after watching his videos about the ferrocell.. It's not gravity warping space.., it's a super powerful magnetic field that holds the galaxy together..
Totally hip on Thunderbolts ;) I read Velikovsky during my vacation in jail.. His words had intrigued me for many a year.. Once I started to put the pieces together, everything makes A LOT more sense!! I think I also understand why this stuff has stayed classified.., which is a whole different level of messed up, if you ask me… Too deep a discussion…
Ken can STFU!! Pepe lays the smack DOWN!!
As much as I would like to slide and chat space, science, philosophy and what-not, I gotta get back to the meme factory because I feel like I'm experiencing some of that "Meme Magic" that I hear oh so much about..
I've been working on the Legion of BOOM the past few days, which I have to admit is growing on me rather quick!! Today, I kinda started to brainstorm on the villains… I really dig the Globo Gym angle, but it's hard to pass up on the opportunity of the NWO… These probably won't make it to memes30, so if anyone likes them get em while there fresh!!