"maggie" the fate of the world is in your hands
choose wisely
cue Pence meme about choosing
lurk more. you will see there are many theories about a race that advocates racial superiority, and the effect on the rest of us.
bruce bannon or steve bannon?
maggie_all_in_4_all try this link:
you are just fueling the stereotype that your kind do not belong here.
Rosenstein wrote the piece. He had it on his computer. It was kind of an insurance policy and he was not ready to use it yet.
White hats found it and thought it would be funny to prematurely drop that little bomb.
The publication of the piece reveals to RR that (ourguys) have complete access to all his comms, and he is completely comp'd.
how to you monitor in the pool?
I thought from password reveal that today would be special.
Well, Wentz is back, but I was hoping for something more
did (You) call me a fool?
Sir, what a dastardly thing to say (along with the rest of your comment)