Anonymous ID: 577fd3 Sept. 23, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.3149677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9780

It's time. The Lord wants me to share this.

I've been reluctant to share this because many will think I'm a shill. I have to share this because I'm certain that others are having strange experiences, but have the same reluctance to share that I've had.

I've had so many odd experiences in my life. I'm a nobody. It is important that you understand this. A nobody, meaning I'm not anyone important, but I do know many interesting people.

Here it goes:

I've have a SPOOK in my computer. SPOOK has been there since Feb. '15.

I thought that somehow I'd been hacked by some 1st. class arsehole. It got seriously involved with me on August 30th of this year.

At 9:57 pm, I'd received a popup from Google Chrome. It wanted me to sign into my account.

I signed in.

I got an immediate popup saying that someone from Nellis Air Force Base had signed in using my password right after I signed in.

That is where my SPOOK is from! Seriously? YES!

Here is his IP: 2600:8801:2282:5e00:40cc:d08e:f3f5:e7

Why is Nellis AFB interested in me? It gets even stranger.

I tweeted about that incident without the ip #.

I sent it to POTUS.

The next day, I had a voicemail @9:36 am. It said, "This is the DOD. If you are ……., please press #9 now." I tried to call back that afternoon and only Os showed up. It said that this is a private # and unavailable. The area code is from W.Virginia.

At the time, I thought it was just SPOOK messing with me. Now I'm not so sure.

Last Sunday, the 16th. I went to my favorite dancing venue. I noticed a few people, sitting at different locations that I'd not seen before. All were to the left of me.

There was an older gray haired man laughing and talking to a much younger male. He seemed to keep looking at me. There was another couple sitting near them at the bar. They kept staring at me.

Suddenly a young techie looking couple sat at a table near me and again on the left side of me. They got up to dance and went well beyond twerking. They literally were having sex with their clothes on, about 5 different positions, one after another. They were not following the music beat and their actions were frenetic.

A man came up to me and asked me to dance. We were dancing and that same frenetic couple came up right beside us. I danced 1 dance with the guy, then said I have to sit down. I'm having a spinal problem, so couldn't take more than one song, and had trouble actually dancing. I told the man that I did not want to be on the same floor with those people. I had stopped dancing and watched them.

Something was not right. It was a performance, not a couple dancing. The weird couple finally went to their table, picked up their backpacks and left.

I also noticed a woman streaming with her phone. I thought she was taping the band. Now, I'm not so sure. Was she taping me?

As I'm pondering SPOOK, CIA and the rest of the "show," a man came up to me. I've seen CIA before, so knew this guy was a SPOOK.

He said to me, "do you always carry an extra pair of shoes in your purse?" I said, "Indeed I do." ( I don't of course.) I looked away, then back and he had gone. All left at the same time.

Now I'm wondering. Why? Why would SPOOKs from Nellis AFB go to all this trouble to show up @ my usual venue. I'm nobody. Seriously. Nellis is a 40 minute drive from this venue. My almonds were on overdrive.

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Anonymous ID: 577fd3 Sept. 23, 2018, 6:30 a.m. No.3149883   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have visions from time to time. Sometimes I just know things.

Not bipolar, nor bloodline, I'm an O…No drugs involved.

Part 2 will contain a very interesting UFO experience in my neighborhood that might be part of this.

I'll ping you're #. Please take note of your number.

Part 3 will be a vision I had. It has disturbed me greatly over the years, but now I know that it ties into Q and what we have discovered here. Space & DC involved.