How about some of those videos on Weiner's laptop making their way onto the internet to throw the deep state off their feet over this Kavanagh mess.
Is this a new drop? I'm not seeing it on New site?
"As far as melon scratchers go,…that one's a honey doodle"- Ned Flanders
You make a very valid point. We need justice and to have or friends and family members say to us one day,…."Shit, were right. I didn't know the child/human trafficking was this massive. And I certainly didn't know about the pedophile networks across the globe where children are kept in cages, tortured, murdered and eaten in these satanic rituals. You were also right about how almost every "A" list actor/actress in Hollywood is in one of these satanic cults. I guess you're not as crazy as we all thought". We believe you now.
That would be nice.
I've got a running bet with my Mom that if these 57k (now) indictments don't drop by 2019 I'll never mention anything about Q again.
So,……a little help Q.