Anonymous ID: 9d53b2 Feb. 11, 2018, 5:16 a.m. No.335866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I realize this can't be used all the time and

sometimes the info Q drops is meant for

misdirection, but I was able to pill 3 friends(closer to acquaintances) by

predicting the memo would come out and what

was in it. Before it came out, I pointed them where to find the last 3 EO's online and to read 'em.

"The stuff you don't understand, do a search

with duckduckgo." I gave them a little heads up

about the main themes in them. They had this

idea that Trump was a globalist (because rich)

and didn't really care about the things that were in them.

It surprised them to find out he going so hard after child abuser and molesters, human trafficking, and threats to the state and is going to take every dime they have.


A little bit of back info, then an accurate prediction, can work WONDERS. I have 4 pretty close friends on FB that I'm pilling. Stubborn as hell. They are mostly conservative so I can give them a little more meat. One common question is "If this stuff is really happening, why isn't it in the news?" That's a tough one to back up. I know my buddies could handle it so I posted them this vid. Shitube has it in 5 parts but BitChute has the whole vid. I like this one because it is done by a reporter from ABC. Seems more legit


I told them the MSM controls the narrative.

They do their best to suppress things. If something does come out you believe, you are labeled crazy, a nazi fascist, racist, or a alt-right religious freak. I also told them to search laws on subliminal messaging. None ever passed. Then I pointed them to this vid-


They are coming around. They've read the memo and can see the corruption and how everyone but Fox is trying to make it out to be less that what it is. They are tough to sway but I kinda like that. Once they get it they will not be turned back. ;)

If not before, they'll come around all the way

when hillary and/or obama get arrested.


Those are just more tools to fit a given situation and not meant to be a full MO.

Good luck to ALL of us.