Odds are excellent given that Feinstein had a Chinese spook working for her for two decades. God and the NSA only know what the fuck else is going on there.
Suborning perjury is not only a massive ethical violation, it's also a crime.
>>3152611 Fox poll oversamples Dems
Perjury trap. See my post lb about him retaining Beth Wilkinson from the firm that is allegedly representing Hussein and had personally repped Cheryl Mills & company. Apparently she handles defamation actions very well. Who would've thought that he would retain an attorney who (allegedly) specializes in defamation? Hmmm…I love this movie.
Needs a fuckin pitbull lawyer to rip her head off and shit down her neck on national TV. I used to have to bite my tongue when cross-examining shady ass parties because of how it looks to the jury (or American people, in this case).
Who is your employer, new-journo-fag?
I wonder how many of these "news" outlets actually get their news from here and take credit for it instead of doing their own fucking research.
True it would. I love telling people shit then it goes mainstream/semi-mainstream a bit later. Know for a fact that there's interns lurking. Wired doxxed an NBC intern/8chan lurker for that story in Rosetta. She was lurking here. Even posted.
You have everything you need in front of your face. You're in no place to make demands. Fucking lurk, dig.