Anonymous ID: 7582f4 Sept. 23, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.3153155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3186 >>3208 >>3224

Pre-fuck yous to those who call me a concernfag. Just stating set of beliefs held by many Anons right now.


I have been with Q since the first post (and Mega before that).


I understand things change and need some degree of fluidity (that's why I don't buy the Qclock; shit cannot be that precise because the enemy is highly skilled at fuckery, even if they are eventually defeated.)


I am now at the stage of SHOW ME THE MONEY.


I have no reason whatsoever to doubt Q. And as I said above, things slide. We know that.


But there is ONE RED LINE here.


— Is it Kavanaugh? Nope. I actually think Kavanaugh (Bushie and Vince Foster coverer) might go down and Amy Barrett Coney might be slam-dunked. That would be fine.


— Is it POTUS EBS message? No. That would be awesome and arrest announcements would be righteous, but that can wait.


— Is it 50,000+ unsealed indictments and mass arrests? No, that can wait until after Jan 1, and it even seems the Gitmo upgrades etc. are planned for that time frame.


— Is it 11/11? Well, we have never actually been TOLD what will be so specific about 11/11 except a parade, which has since been postponed, and that it will be glorious. Anons have all ASSUMED that means arrests will have happened.


So what's my Red Line? To Quote Q 1197: "Midterms are safe."


We all know polls are fucked and are used to manipulate normies. The polls now show a 10+ point Blue Wave. I don't believe that, do you? Of course not. Total bullshit. We all know there will be an actual Red Wave that will make the left's heads' explode.


So what if there is not? That's my Red Line. If there is no Republican Majority in the House and Senate come November 7, and some excuse about the Cabal's vote machine fuckery (or whatever) by Q and I am done.


Everyone has a Red Line. That's mine. If it's not yours, fine. But at least I have articulated mine. And my larger point is that I am NOT ALONE. I guarantee you many thousands of other Anons are focused on this one specific Red Line, too.


MI has 44 days until the Red Line.


My personal hope (we all have hopes) is that unsealing and arrests come BEFORE the midterms and seal the traitors' fates.

Anonymous ID: 7582f4 Sept. 23, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.3153253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3265


She is a woman so #MeToo fuckery will not work on her. She was confirmed 55–43 one year ago on October 31, 2017 by the same exact people on the Judiciary as now. They have basically already done the hearing. I think POTUS wanted her first, but for whatever reason allowed the Bush-Clinton Crime Family pick to go ahead. Don't know why. Maybe for the reason we're seeing now.