Anonymous ID: 8da80e Sept. 23, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.3152604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2635 >>2648 >>2684 >>2726 >>2783 >>2945 >>3007


"Maryland will probably get a second run at legalization if the Democrats win the gubernatorial election this year and if not then, probably 2020. The East Coast is heavily lobbied by Big Alcohal and Big Tobacco to restrict medical cannabis' influence unless they can control it, you see already see that with efforts by certain attorneys in New Jersey to restrict the number of licenses and who will get them.


Groups like Marijuana Policy Project run campaigns that call for open cannabis markets but behind closed doors heavily lobby to restrict license applications and issuance. MPP is heavily influenced by OSF/Soros and the Canadian company known as Tilray, which is actually controlled by Peter Thiel. That is why the medical programs in both Maryland and New Jersey were highly restricted to just a handful of growers and operators because they do not want competition.


The game is this cabal of deep state billionaires keep the majority of the market illegal and underground while using their connections and political influence to legalize their own operations to create de facto monopolies. This divides the marijuana movements in each state in two, those trying to create their entrepreneurial business and the deep state sell-outs. The sell-outs then snitch our the entrepreneurs to local PD, DEA, FBI and IRS to purge the market of competition while enjoying political protection from their owners. This is why it took so long for California to go legal because there was major political warfare between the local marijuana community and the deep state, in which the latter ultimately prevailed."


"Yeah NETA runs access in Massachusetts, and from I have heard have some kind of in with the Alcohol Lobby. Dispensaries are by far the shadiest and most disloyal arm of the cannabis business; they are always stabbing growers in the back, doing whatever they can to decrease their own cost while increasing markup and selling out their vendors whenever it gives them a political or market advantage. Smart growers typically deal with dispensaries through middlemen because they have been known to snitch on their own vendors to reduce competition. That way they can claim 'shortages' and increase prices.


I think Big Cannabis is a threat to young cannabis entrepreneurs. I have received all kinds of direct and indirect threats from these new corporate invaders, because in truth they don't want us there. They want monopoly and they want the small craft growers either crushed and subjugated, ran out of the business or locked up. They are utterly ruthless. The ironic part is their product is absolute shit compared to what the underground and craft market can provide. Part of this is because they don't hire from the old illegal market, they don't want to pay for knowledge. Another part is they don't care about Quality Control or Quality Assurance, they are in this to crank out inventory and make money; that is why medical incidents among patients are going up. The flowers from the big guys are often prematurely harvested, not fully flushed and exposed to BigAg pesticides. They usually grow from clone, not from seed, and sometimes a clone of a clone so the genetic quality and medicinal efficacy declines significantly. Same with the dab, the big guys aren't sifting all of their trim to produce 100's of kilos of slab a week, it takes too long, they just run bulk amounts through the machine as quickly as they can. That's why you hear about all of these failed lab tests."


"I should also explain that the big drive to stomp out small business in cannabis is mostly because Big Pharma is scared to death of being undermined by cannabis products. When Rick Simpson Oil came out as being effective against cancer, seizures and auto-immune disease they went into a panic. George Soros, Peter Thiel, the former Peter Lewis and George Zimmer formed the Drug Policy Alliance and Americans for Safe Access to figure out a way to penetrate the underground cannabis market in the East Coast and take it over for Big Pharma. Whats the point? Because if I am sick with cancer, Teva and GW Pharmacuetical, two of Soro's companies, want 10's of thousands of dollars for one prescription of sativex and epidolex, it takes only 3 to 4 grand to make an equivalent product in my garage. All I need is two pounds of pot, some essential oils and magnesium to create enough oil to stabilize my condition. Notice how the new commercial companies are moving away from the medical themes towards relaxation and recreational themes? There is a reason for that."

Anonymous ID: 8da80e Sept. 23, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.3152648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2684





"Attempts to create unions have been subverted. The California Growers Association, Emerald Growers Association, National Cannabis Industry Association and California Cannabis Industry Association and their counterparts in other states were all co-opted by Big Cannabis and their attorneys in the last three years either through buying them out, political pressure or financially starving them out. The head of CGA basically screwed over all of his members and then left to join the board of one of the new mega grows. NCIA and CCIA have entirely new boards that were hand picked by OSF.


These groups are highly politically connected and have an onslaught of money. I don't think other countries are less susceptible, it seems international in scope. Canadians have been fighting their government to retain community control and have faced the same setbacks we have. Uruguay still struggles with the same problems as well. One of the old growers said the idea is to globalize weed and then reduce market share to 10% of the size the industry was in 2015. So far that theory seems to be playing out. The way to fight back at least at the lower levels is to stay involved in the legislation and activism, hold politicians accountable and keep things transparent. The biggest problem is backroom deals, if you can fight that, keep home grows, empower the consumer and empower the grower you will have more of a fighting chance than not. A lot of the mid-level operators have criminal records, they are either former drug enforcement CI's, local mobster/racketeer types, ex-Scientologists, Hollywood cultists and washed up producers hence the lack of ethics in many aspects. I was hoping Trump would be able to rollback some of the centralization that the Democrats have done but so far he has been thwarted by his own DOJ. The DEA are getting karma for the corrupt shit they used to do, and now find that many of their enemies have been given immunity beyond their reach."


"Every dispensary and grow in the West Coast was laundering money prior to legalization. PAC donations were facilitated by non-profit shell corporations which were numerous. You had to set up a non-profit just to open a collective and then the money had to go somewhere so the collective could effectively 'break even' and not violate all of these federal RICO statutes, which most did. The non-profits were funded by research organizations, that's how the billionaires kept themselves at arms length because the research organizations could distribute money for 'academic purposes'. The non-profit dispensaries and collectives would sell the pot then donate and transfer their profits to other non-profits and foundations (cancer research, children's foundations, geriatric care centers, gay rights organizations, AIDS organizations, environmental causes, social justice causes, indian churches, Scientology, fringe religious groups etc.), from there the money would be contributed to PACs. They would also make donations through cash businesses, especially Hollywood movies and porn films because it is really easy to make cash investments disappear in the film business.


The main operators behind coordinating the Democratic donations included big names like George Soros, George Zimmer, Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance, Bryan Singer from Hollywood and some mysterious group of directors he was in with and various porn directors. Republican donations were facilitated by Silicon Valley Republicans and these guys from Southern California that had close ties with Dana Rohrabacher. Pot used to mainly be a Democratic and Libertarian Party funding deal but the DEA really started to back off when these Republican big wigs from Orange County and San Diego got involved. There was a big push against Trump because everybody thought he was going to shut down the West Coast, when in fact he just wanted to limit the Democrats influence because it was a big unaccountable money pot."

Anonymous ID: 8da80e Sept. 23, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.3152684   🗄️.is 🔗kun







"The states with the most open systems are Oregon and California. There, depending on which county or city you are in you have a better chance to get a license than in other states.


All other states have caps on license issuance, especially for dispensaries and the extent of these caps are either determined by an appointed regulatory commission or in some cases require a legislative vote, thus making the process intensely political. I think there were 146 applications filed for only 6 available retail licenses recently in New Jersey, in some states cultivators are required to be tied to the shop.


In Oregon and California its based on land use, so if the farm, warehouse, lot is zoned for cannabis use you can start your company there and apply for a license based on the land use type. Washington and Colorado have stricter laws when it comes to cultivating cannabis, they had a limited window of license issuance and I believe its currently closed. In almost all cases that I have seen, getting approved for a license requires a QPQ either to the local political entity and/or the dominant state political body."


"Drug Policy Alliance (Sioros, Lewis Zimmer, Thiel)

Americans For Safe Access (Soros/OSF)

Marijuana Policy Project (Soros/OSF)


Cal Growers Association (Multiple)

Look at how they are funded, who their corporate sponsors are and who they donate to. Look at the affiliates in Canada, MenMen, Tilray (Thiel) and Aurora. Also Cartel backed companies GreenGro Technologies, CalCann Corporation, Livewire Ergogenics and Terra Tech Corporation.


Anonymous ID: 8da80e Sept. 23, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.3153160   🗄️.is 🔗kun


posts about dems and doj getting illegal laundered money from soros, peter thiel and others thru cannabis industry

with a bit backstory

gets called a slide
