Well, they should neck themselves but they aren't paid to do that.
I'm going with confirmed meanings.
That other suggestion has not been confirmed. The Gannett connection has, ''and the media has a vested interest in making sure as few people learn that as possible.''
Is that why you are pushing another angle?
Also, stop talking to yourself. It's a bad look → >>3152634
>I'm free to believe that Q can say things that have multiple meanings
And I am free to publicly disagree with you :D
womp womp.
This is why [they] broke the idea of passing on traditions.
Without tradition, you have no memory.
Without memory, happening have no context.
When things have no context, it robs them of their meaning.
WE have to protect our own turf… Or it is not our turf.
WE have to make sure that visitors know what we expect in our house… Or it is not our house.
WE are responsible for mocking bullshit that we know is bullshit. If not, then we are tacitly agreeing with it.
Here, here's a refresher as to exactly why tits or GTFO is a thing here.
Because you need it.