Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.
Okay faggots I am going to blow the minds of anyone capable of seeing.
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom is a Jew Allegory. Written by Jews who know Trump is going to destroy their world and they are begging to live. Substitute the Dinosaurs for Jews and the dumbass plot makes sense to them.
The world decides the dinosaurs dont deserve to live and let them die in a volcano. People come to save some to sell in human trafficking deep underground bunkers. They do the whole stupid blood transfusion thing because the evil ones are all about the blood. They gas them in the end of the movie but are saved by the human clone likely hybrid dinosaur girl.
They do a whole middle part about how the dinosaurs/jews attack anything that shows weakness or emotions. But if your alpha and can dominate them they will follow you.
They even have a real life trannie in the movie. The asian looking dude that looks like a girl is in fact a trannie. He is wearing the same T shirt through the whole movie of a Albraxas…or Bahomept. A creature with tits and a dick. Oh how the Jews love their inside jokes.
Watch the movie and watch how all the white guys are horrible except one cuck. The trannie and the women are the heros…SJW faggotry.
Watch it again or watch it the first time. Mentally put the Jew in for the Dinosaur and imagine it is the Jew begging not to be punished for killing us and eating us….they cant feel emotions….they are just the way they are. KEK>
I am not joking. I am seeing past lots of their bullshit now. Watch yourself.