XX ID: 388cac Feb. 14, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.374173   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4446 >>5229

Question: How do you redpill the masses AND live by the code of silence is golden?


Was thinking about this.. Q and Dilley intel are leakers who are relying on us to do the redpilling. Dilley's intel is more straight but also TBD because it lays in the future. i.e. the "real" vote totals. We were told it was going to come out is a "couple weeks" It's been more than a couple of weeks at this point. And Q leaves plausible deniability because he leaves gaping holes in his intel and we will fill that void with our own pet doctrines.

So, Q says, "trust the plan". BUT ALSO says in so many words we aren't going to hear updates on anything. Then goes on to imply that there will be a massive sweep to capture everyone in the net, but we need public outcry to be at a point that the public will be demanding it.

THEN throws the Redpiller's (that's us) under the bus by making us look like crazy insane people. โ€ฆ. "The government and secret societies are growing and harvesting children to make sex slaves!" โ€ฆ "oh yeah? Where's your proof?" โ€ฆ "well, Q said it" โ€ฆ "you must be an idiot and I cannot take anything you say seriously."


What's to be done?

Trump figured it out, when he wants a message to get to the public, he Tweets it.

OK, obviously Session's can't Tweet something with the disclosure of James O'Keefe, BUT pictures speak a thousand wordsโ€ฆ How about Q and Dilley intel start dropping picture bombs?

Dilley intel said someone in the O admin was "hurting a child" โ€ฆ fineโ€ฆ drop the picture, grainulated, blurry, with a bit of denyablity as to who the adult is, let us run with it, then later a better image can come to light when it's "safer" for the public/Q team. Because right now, without proof of some kind we look like a bunch of jackasses.

Can someone run a computer voice match to John Podesta and the man screaming "what's my name?" ? That could be helpful in the ongoing underground war. Any other ideas?

XX ID: 388cac Feb. 14, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.374242   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

regarding the audio of the man yelling "what's my name?". He stutters just a bit when he says, "whats my, whats my name?". That verbal stutter/stumble is VERY much like JP. If you haven't seen or heard follow this link but don't if you can't take it. https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoPBJDbkXPo

XX ID: 388cac Feb. 14, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.374608   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6194



I get what you are saying. But according to Dilley the actual popular vote numbers as of Jan 25th were 7mil more for Trump. He gave us this news at the end of Jan. and said it would come out "in two weeks" It's been two weeks. Times up. Time to release the actual vote numbers, or the intel isn't credible.

Anonymous ID: 388cac Feb. 21, 2018, 9:57 p.m. No.458505   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9118 >>5495

What do you want more? newbies rolling in by the 1000's because Q started a movement of patriotism and hope, and you get the knowledge that you were ground zero, and will be here long after the dust settles and the newbies will go, or acclimate.


Your cozy little community of anons


The Great Awakening doesn't happen without a bunch of people willing to bypass beastiality in favor of patriotism

Anonymous ID: 388cac Feb. 25, 2018, 11:50 p.m. No.499976   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0915 >>1051 >>2181 >>3157


I understand many people don't like Jerome Corsi, but I read the actual court filing he submitted for Obama's birth certificate. (If I recall correctly, it was Hillary who hired Corsi to make the suit in the first place. She knew there was something wrong with the little bugger, but she backed off for reasons)

The Manchurian article says he was never vetted/vetted properly. This is what Corsi claimed in the court docs also. He had lots of facts, claims, evidences that never hit the media, and as such never got refuted. I was always astonished at how everyone turned a blind eye to this johnny come latelys past back in 2008.

Anonymous ID: 388cac Feb. 26, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.502387   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3173

I used to try to tell people about Corsi court filings. They'd immediately laugh, make fun of me, but after pushing through with all the allegations made by Corsi (it really is a strong case) the pushback got quieter and quieter. And then they'd mumble something like, "well, that's not his fault". This final weak, not his fault, was in response to this:


When Obama's mother married Sotero, little Barry was adopted. When a child is adopted his original birth certificate is expunged, and a new birth certificate is issued. A birth certificate is a legal binding document. The new birth certificate is issued with the adopters name, Sotero, inserted into the name of the father. So ostensibly the only BC Obama could have is one that lists Sotero as a father.(that of course would fuck up his claim of BHO l, as being his father) Sotero a citizen of Indonesia, and Barry living in Indonesia, made Barry a citizen of Indonesia. (This is how he was counted among the foreign exchange students and live in those dorms in Oxy college in CA. He was also given a free ride as a non resident) Barry's mom and Mr.Sotero have listed among their assets on their divorce documents, "1 adult male son". If it is true that Sotero adopted Obama, Obama could become a US citizen once again by applying for citizenship. However, he would be considered naturalized citizen and not a natural born citizen. Being a naturalized citizen is a Disqualification for the presidency, only natural born citizens can serve as president.

But he could serve in lesser governmental roles. Much like Arnold Swartzenegger.


This is why Obama has spent countless amounts of money to keep his college transcripts private. The transcripts would prove he was a foreign exchange student.


The argument has weight and has never been accurately responded to. This is where I'd get the inarticulate mumble of โ€ฆ. "well, that's not his faultโ€ฆ " and which point my head would usually explode.

Anonymous ID: 388cac Feb. 26, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.502413   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

โ€ฆ by the way Hillary knew this ^ about Obama and hired Corsi to file the case against Obama. HIllary dropped it, but Corsi pursued it, got called a conspiracy theorist and mocked. But to my knowledge no one has EVER responded to the Sotero angle in the birth certificate debate.

Anonymous ID: 388cac Feb. 26, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.503288   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4643


I'd tend to believe the one with the foot print if I had to choose one over the other.

"African" is not, never has been a 'race'. In 1961 the term was "Negro". In 2008 the politically correct term for Black Man was "African" today, it's POC. My how language changes and gives us away.

Anonymous ID: 388cac Feb. 26, 2018, 9:39 p.m. No.507830   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I'm on twitter and don't have a problem. but I'm only followed by less than 100 people. I continue to reach people by following a crap load of people and commenting on their newsfeed. And sharing which boost their platforms. It's weak but I seem to be under the radar with a handful of followers.

Anonymous ID: 388cac Feb. 28, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.523768   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Dilley gave that info at the end of January and said we'd be hearing about it in 2 weeks. We are now 4 weeks from the end of January. The only thing we've heard in the msm is: Chicago is going to give ID's which essentially will allow illegal aliens to vote, DHS stopped their voter investigation because blue states weren't cooperating, and, 100K illegals are registered to vote in PA. All in all, that's really weak when compared to the giant bombshell that was supposed to have been forth coming. (as is currently 2 weeks late)

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 1, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.526383   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Let's not forget, because everyone seems to have completely forgotten, that at the same time the HS shooting happened, the Florida DHS was attacked. Which is perhaps why the HS shooter was not stopped even when DHS, and Q knew.

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 2, 2018, 8:09 p.m. No.536457   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6908



Agreed, I really looked forward to the intel but after a while couldn't stomach watching him. Quite a bit of arrogance and self importance started to seep out. It started to have the feeling that since his intel source ostensibly gave him the stamp of approval, his election was in the bag.

An just a personal bug for me, he played with his hat too damn much. I'm an older anon it's been my life experience and that sort of grabbing (like at the hat) is indicative of someone who is physically violent, or uses the percieved threat of physical violence in intimidation tactics. I'm not saying Dilley is violent, but I am saying he reminds me of people I have known who intimidate.

A body coach would do him well in video presentation. He did not have the same body language when he was in debate. He looked significantly more professional.

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 2, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.536958   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


A little searching turned up an article on the shooting at NSA Fort Meade in Maryland, not Florida. The official story is that the security guards were the ones doing the shooting. The guard shot at an SUV that "got inside the gate" it was being driven by a teenager and the other two occupants were asleep. Ostensibly the GPS misdirected the teen driver to the NSA gate and the teen freaked out,, tried to make a Uturn and the gate guard shot at the SUV several times. This does nothing to cooborate Dilley's intel of two F16's in the air over FL before the school shooting.

Dilley's intel seemed to insinuate that 2 died in Ft Mead. and it was a terrorist attack on the NSA. But says, "news is not real story" โ€ฆ however, the "news" about what happened came out 3 days later.

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 3, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.539609   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1251

Character is forged in fire and conflict.


Someone appears to be failing the test.

I watched a bit of his Facebook video, ugh, couldn't stand it. His body language; rocking back and forth on his chair legs, pulling at his hat, drinking from a can, wearing a "I'm a college student on Spring break" tee - all spoke louder than his actual words, which were something very much like this โ€ฆ.

We expected a grand total of 20,000 votes.

Out of 12 Candidates I came in 11th place w/ 734 votes.

I should have won.

I didn't win because the winners cheated by adding 40,000 extra votes to the pool, which they split up 3 ways.

Some people who knew about the vote, didn't EVEN get to vote because their mail-in ballot never arrived, which made an in-person precinct vote too difficult.

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 9, 2018, 10:02 p.m. No.609511   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1197 >>2506 >>4833


I think he come off as arrogant also but at this point, I'm throwing my hands in the air, who knows. Maybe the intel is real, maybe "they" picked him for the very reason that he wasn't the typical charismatic schmoozer, Q started with loads of plausible deniability. Maybe that's what Dilley is for Q et al, deniability. I'd like to believe Dilley's source, but as his source dated info drops (gave a time frame for certain news stories to be reported), and didn't happen, it becomes harder to believe.

And as far as your observation goes, no, Dilley's source has not always sounded so "wannabe Q".

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 14, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.669666   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I read this the other day and #2 rang through my head all day long. House of Representatives. Representatives. Representative. Dilley was asking to Represent me.

He was thinking that he was representing me with a tee shirt pinned to his wall and the next door neighbors air conditioning out side his window?

Frankly that's the sort of shit you see in a frat house.

Nah, bro, I'm good.

Please don't go to the capitol on my behalf.


Frankly Anons I'm getting down. I had a lot of hope in Q (and in Dilley originally, but no longer)

But with not even low level arrests that I'm aware of โ€ฆ Not even Antifa punks are getting sent to jail for rioting during the inaugeration. In CA. Yvette Falarca, and Eric Clanton, et al are still roaming the streets. โ€ฆ it's hard to "trust the plan"

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 21, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.745866   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9127




Dr David Jeremiah is a boorish boob. He's a liar. Did NOT earn his doctorate, was given him by his daddy, a college dean, who worked at a college that did not award doctorates. Doctor Jeremiah has no doctorate in theology.


His view of the "End Times" however common, is an exegetical nightmare on titanic proportions.


The so called Rapture is not a stand alone doctrine it is and must be related to Dispensationalism, which is another doctrinal farce. Invented in 1890 to explain why "the church" is void of Holy Spirit power. (In America, anyways,โ€ฆ Holy Spirit power, healings, resurrections, miracles continue to exist in Christianity worldwide. That is, OUTSIDE the defeatest doctines of Dispensationalism and it's little bitch "the rapture", which teaches that Satan is more powerful than God.)


ICK! Don't read Dr. David Jeremiah, don't listen to him, stay away.

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 21, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.745967   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Here's to hoping these two can be reconciled. I was just going to do a search to see if I can find any info out about voter fraud. If we don't see any imminent arrests, the findings on the voter fraud investigation would do a world of wonders. โ€ฆ that is unless it turns up nothing, which would be a crying shame.


Nope, can't find anything moving forward on that today or recently. Lots of squawking about it about 4-8 years ago.

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 21, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.750271   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2460



Yeah, Ok, I hear you about not the place, I won't engage further. I'll answer the question and no more.


According to the rapture theory, once the rapture happens, The Beast, AKA Antichrist is given full power over God's people to do with them what he will. That idea is based on Rev 13.


Continuing on in the idea that there is a rapture and the beast is in the future, rather than what it truly was, the ancient empire of Rome, gives a faith based conviction that what we are facing today, i.e. Corruption and Pedophilia, etcโ€ฆ is potentially a Biblical prophesy being fulfilled. As such, one is rather powerless over God to change the trajectory of the current evil. RATHER THAN, an evil that Christians are given authority over to fight in the spiritual realm through prayer, and to bring this current hell down to it's knees, and see it destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 26, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.806044   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0020




I've been waivering in my belief of Q, but not because of this video. I've found that I'm too quick to assume poorly on Q's behalf, then I get pulled back in. So, I've determined to not jump to conclusions but wait a few days. Now, having said thatโ€ฆ

This "Thomas and Betsy" schtick, I listened to the whole thing earlier and actually came here to see if anyone was talking about them.


First let me back up. I saw the Cicada project saying Q was fake.

Based on what? Another fucking secret society? Seriously, Secret Society 1 says secret society 2 is fake, and we don't get to know who either one is, but we have to choose one over the other.

Um, actually, No, I don't. I have to choose which one offers some sort of evidence, and so far Q is the winner over Cicada in that department.

Cicada's "end" this year was a secret, "Q is fake". And everyone falls apart. We are supposed to trust Cicada on the basis that Cicada is smart. Not good enough for me. We don't know squat about Cicada. However when was the last time anyone's heard anything about Tony Podesta? Does the total silence on Tony Podesta give Q at least more street cred than Cicada? BTW, the last time Tony Podesta was in the news was on 10/31 2 or 3 days before Q said, "11/3 Podesta Indicted".


Ok, as for Thomas and Betsy. I listened to that youtube recording.

  1. We don't get to see their faces, (no reading the sincerity on their face allowed!) So once again, we are presented with ANOTHER group of anons claiming other anons are fake.

  2. Betsy asked Thomas like 4 times to say where other youtubers get their money, and he didn't, but repeatedly said he would.

3.Thomas claims he's a genius and knows how to solve puzzles.

3.A. Thomas claimed very quickly- you had to listen closely- that Cicada were using the puzzle codes he himself wrote!

  1. Thomas claimed he was able to solve Cicada's code in 1 minute.

  2. Thomas does a hell of a lot of self aggrandizement. For a man of at minimum 68 years old (based on him saying he worked in gov. in the early 1970's), this is sorely out of character. And adds to his unbelievability. (I know several people with IQ's significantly higher than the average. They don't go on about it, in fact, they don't ever mention it. Yet Thomas does, several times, he's a genius, just ask him)

  3. Thomas's claim of knowing all along i.e. I knew when Q was real, and I knew as soon as Q wasn't real. Is again touting his own self importance, and in the mean time mocks anyone who didn't figure out what he already knew. This is bullshit, psy-ops itself.

  4. As anon above points out, if Q is to be believed, Q's not talking to people. Which actually agrees with the lack of any leaks coming from anywhere. No leaks from Sessions, Muller, etcโ€ฆ but all the sudden there's Q leaks and imitators everywhere?

Nope. Everybody, like Thomas, wants to be somebody. And being a Q insider is rock star status.


All in all, there were many things that didn't ring true. It had a very disingenuous vibe to the whole thing.


About the "Arthur" guy Alliance Insider, I at least believe the guy in the video. He seems very believable, but that doesn't necessarily translate into the intel being legit. But his body "sings" with him, he's telling the truth (as he knows it).

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 28, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.820536   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4761

Have we concluded anything ?


We don't like the person of Dilley. But what about his source?

Dilley's source seems to expand on and mimic Q. It gives more tantilizing details for sure, but is it reliable? (Doesn't seem to be because it has set dates and those dates are past)


AIM/Thomas and Betsy. False.

But we agree with AIM, in that Q2 and Qsquared is false. (I've not run across Q2 or Qsquared, but just the name, is the hint, they are trying to get noticed without putting in the work, using Q's work to validate themselves).


And finally Alliance Insider, "Arthur", โ€ฆ on the fence about this one. Guy doing video seems legit. The intel itself is pigging backing Q but, seems more tasty, like Dilley's intel.

In my opinion, the more tasty the intel, the more it feeds my adrenaline, my excitement tends to grow. HOWEVER, I sense a caution in my gut. Alliance Insider is definitely tantilizing, but that doesn't mean it is truth.


If I am to believe Q, there are a few things I need to keep in mind.

  1. Less than 10 people know the plan

(and I am relatively confident they're not leaking it out to Youtubers, or Life coaches)

  1. Q said outside of 8chan, there are NO other communications.

  2. Q said to "expect more" (along the lines of the Tonight Show mockery of Q) and within days, we got the AIM people mocking Q.

Anonymous ID: 388cac March 28, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.824494   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7040 >>6827

Here's where the rubber meets the road kids. There is a war going on. In any war there are casualties.

Q has proven himself by timestamps and pictures.

I just listened to 8 min of AIM, again, nothing but mockery and ZERO evidence. And "if you don't know this, you're stupid".

Sorry, Thomas, that's not an argument. It's Jr. High level peer pressure. It actually works on weak minds, fortunately, my mind is not weak, and I won't be conned by your derision with ZERO evidence.

Let Thomas post his evidence, and I'll look at it. Until then he's got diarrhea of the mouth, and probably more hits on his youtube channel than he's had for months. I wont go there again. I wont validate his boisterous void of a whole lot of nothing.