Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 10, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.334383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4694


LOL no he didn't…he has NEVER said his source i Q in fact until his periscope chat kept asking him if he's talking to Q he didn't know a damn thing about Q…he had to go to look then came back and said NOPE not my source.


He's running for a seat, he has to get his name out…how is that famefagging, he had a PUBLIC business before he decided to run…he's good at what he does and how he connects with people and he's BAF…so STFU butthurt lying SOS!

Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 10, 2018, 11:20 p.m. No.334386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Marine group now ready to snatch 44

THIS is false IMHO..because they don't telegraph..but I think he kinda knows that..disinformation is necessary…see who calls who, who makes a run for it…etc. shit in depends etc.

Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 24, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.484902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5603 >>5607 >>6482 >>6993



This man is going to be found dead. :( It has nothing to do with CDAN…his cause of death…can't really see what story they'll tell. But it will NOT be the truth. Security cam footage of him leaving CDC was scrubbed..showed him leaving in white lab coat and booties half on and not walking steadily. Footage removed almost immediately after being posted. Likely due to what he was wearing when he left.


There is great fuckery at CDC.resignation not really over stocks. Fuckery over matching vaccine to flu. Fuckery over many not focus on vaccines…Do a bit of poking around and see what sort of people DIED from the flu (pro tip..race) then see the missing doctor's specialty…statistics on race and disease…

I do not see the CDC fuckery as being a major influence on what is to come…but it is fuckery non the less.


I have been struggling whether or not to say this…and if I said it where to put it…but this morning I saw clearly to say something…and so I will.


Between now and March 15th there is going to be a very very "powerful" attempt on POTUS. Last ditch effort so to speak…from unexpected direction. There needs to be a rotating food tester…as in the days of old. TRUST NO ONE. Something as simple as a pinprick…or a dash of this or a pinprick into a sealed can…

from an "UNEXPECTED" direction.


Without going into a lengthy description of timeline shifts and the collective conscious as far as outcomes…I can only point to one very clear example..SHE was NOT supposed to win. However it happened, there was a shift in collective conscious that "chose" a different timeline.

A few years ago it was clear SHE was going to be president.

TO understand more go look at all the people laughing their asses off over a Trump win. On the other side Trump was quietly organizing for a run…he won because there was a collective shift of consciousness.


Another timeline shift is coming up.

There are two choices.

IF the attempt is successful there will be a civil war. If the attempt fails there will still be a decline in social order, but from a source no one is expecting..however, the recovery will leave things in better balance. Much better balance.


How to affect the timeline via consciousness?


I'll tell you what I witnessed but was not able to participate in..was what I saw happening the night of the election. I was holding my breath…and although I hoped I could literally not see..which way YOU would choose as a collective. I was watching the donald…and sometimes I was actually crying (joy, relief) as I saw people "sending their energy"…refusing to be cowed…just this amazing collective effort to shift the narrative..choosing imperfect truth over willful ignorance. I watched the results I could feel the effort to stop it (especially in BROWARD county).


HOW to affect the timeline?


All thought is creation. The moment you begin to think you have begun to create. What happens with "mass creation?" See election results.


We are not powerless, we are the creators of our own reality. If you're a biblefag, the bible says "as a man THINKETH so IS he."


So if you are religious, pray..send your energy thoughts and "creation" to the safety of Trump. But try to refrain from appealing to an outside force…it is YOUR thoughts that are creating…no magical hand from anywhere can do more than your creation. Gather in groups…but refrain from weakening by asking 'god' to do it for you. I think asking for help…that feels good. "'god' helps those that help themselves".


If you are not religious spend some time each day envisioning our collective future, work to that end. Work to enlighten others so that they too can create with their thoughts. Meditate…


Do not create only for self ..meaning don't do this with selfish motives (IE mama is sick must have cure) that is too narrow…do it for the good of all of matter the outcome for you personally.


IF we fail think of the French Revolution..pitchforks and torches…no gated home will be safe. THEY know this…so as a marker….those in the know will go to their "safe space" prior to….just in case.


Please know that as wonderful as that sounds, that is not the "desired" outcome..we will win in that timeline…but think more Red Dawn…as it will weaken us to outside intervention (think Am. Revolution) which may not leave us as free as we think.


See next post for rest

Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 24, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.484904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5170 >>5603 >>5607 >>6993

the rest


No matter which timeline the collective creates, the earth will have her due. I see interference there too. So think prior preparation prevents piss poor performance. There is nothing wrong in being ready…in fact there is strength in readiness…


it is best for us to do THIS in peace.


If you choose to become fearful from my words, know that you are not helping. If you choose to think MY MY MY (family, my safety my house, my job, my money, MY survival) you will not be helping anything. Drop the MY and start thinking the WE.


It is true there will be false watch the skies…and shut your eyes. It's not real.


No matter the timeline there will be many deaths. The blood of patriots must fresh the tree of liberty..and that's OK. WE would not be here were it not for the endless sacrifice of our ancestors. Be thankful, be ready. It's the circle of life…


If you "love 'god' then there is nothing to fear…fear LESS…(I always find it odd that the ones most afraid of dying are the ones that believe in pearly gates and streets of gold..methinks it comes from an internal fear of not being worthy or being found wanting in judgement? I dunno but this is my observation).


But know this, trust not institutions..not your church, and not the government. All are infested an all must be rooted out. You don't want to's easier to believe the gov. is against you than your trusted church…trust individuals, see their hearts…work together…


This is all I know. Like with the election I cannot see what timeline we will chose. That decision has not been made yet.


These are the things I have seen that are not timeline related (meaning they are going to happen)…a great sickness, the water is coming…and the land will move in many places. HOW we navigate those things as a collective depends very much on the timeline we choose NOW.


FEAR LESS. Surround POTUS with your love and energy, envision his continued success and impact on the land. "As a man thinketh, so is he."


And for #5$8 sake do NOT put your trust in one thing..(IE Q)…the motivation there is not yet clear but I will say the waters are very muddy.


On one hand there is great empowerment, on the other…I see more in what the Q does not say…than what the Q does say. So use the motivation, use the energy…but TRUST no man. You will know them by their FRUITS. My wanting Q to be real…has little to do with whether or not they are.

Not once has Q aimed at the most destructive force on earth. This force would benefit greatly from BOTH our success and failure. Not once has this Q pointed at anything that is not already known, I shall continue in my hope, but I am far, very far…from being a believer.

I do not believe Q when they say "we are safe" because I can see that we are not… So why the lie?. Complacency breeds sheep. You sit back and relax because they have told you you are safe…what exactly is safe anyway? You are told to TRUST that force outside yourself…too many are following the shepherd like a matter who the shepherd is…sheep are still sheep.


The hive mind and stand alone complex are a HUGE part of this operation. Figuring out how to harness, direct, and control such a force…is paramount.


Remain neutral…coming from a position of neutrality helps maintain your sovereignty. Why do you think Q got ran off their CHOSEN board? (4chan) why are so few autists still here working? In some ways this has become a game of "make the evidence fit the story"..our collective will is NOT a bad thing here..thus Q remains chaotic good…


that's all….what you do is what happens to you, what happens to you, is what you DO.

Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 24, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.485307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5607


>When I see "we" over "I,

You are overlooking the key words, collective conscious…you're talking earth-base rather than consciousness based action.


When one person sends their thoughts and energies only to the I…that is a singular (soul in a bubble) action.. When I see Q making a promise of safety and each individual asks only for what THEY want (IE the cure..) the need and want surpass ..think of it this way


if there was a choice among three things…and Q dropped them..pick one…we will give you ONLY ONE…

what would happen? An immediate all out war for the needs of the I over the..


see my point?


THINK collective conscious over earthbased…please note I asked people to PPPP…that is on the individual..I did not say PPPP and then let your neighbors in to eat it all…


this is not a one dimensional issue…but I was mostly addressing the dimension which would have the most effect…meaning if you direct your "prayers" only to the I you are reducing the power of the WE.


On earth…kek..PPPP and hang on. It's going to be a bumpy BUMPY ride. The choices of our COLLECTIVE conscious will "decide" how bumpy.

Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 24, 2018, 12:50 p.m. No.485330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5607


>Do you want it done to you? Then don't do it to others.

SO easy to say is it not?


If you do not want THEM to tell you what to do with your body…don't tell THEM what to do with theirs?


That is usually the point in which this debate stops dead…(wait, it is always the point at which this debate stops dead)…true practice of this means HANDS OFF…each to their own…but religious doctrine…not so much…gays are learning well from this…MAKE MY DAMN CAKE…Christians..wait wut? (historically condemned gay folk…life is circular).

Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 24, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.485345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5417 >>5474


>Q pointed out more than once the power of these boards. It's always safest to assume that bad people will stop at nothing to misdirect, deceive, and misguide.


How is it possible you covered two diametrically opposed things trying to make them seem compatible.


Q said


KEK…include Q in your Q-UESTION everything.


All we, like sheep.


I see what I see…do with that as thou wilt.

Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 24, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.485603   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Not out of any kind of resistance to what will happen if I don't.


Look, I told you what I saw…don't overthink it into something it is not. REAL life is earth based..carbon…I clearly divided between the two because whether or not you understand it there IS a difference. The WE can drive the timeline, the individual decides which timeline to drive…


A herd is earth-based…I think I'm very clearly stating the difference…


the HIVE mind…and stand alone are consciousness based…the choice to act or not…how does one get the HIVE to act from an earth-based directive/perspective? How effective IS the hive?


HOW is this hive being fed that might direct the will..why would anyone even bother to attempt to direct the HIVE if it were not powerful in its own right. The HIVE is the collective, it is NOT earthbased…it is a powerful force…the I decides on what it needs each day..what do I need to eat, what do I want..


when one prays (as an example) with an WANT or a NEED…recall that the universe can only say YES..that's why intention and words are important when directing the consciousness.


IF YOU SAY I "want" to be safe..the universe says yes you want to be safe


IF you say you NEED food..the Universe says yes, you need food.


IF you say instead I AM…the universe says yes, you are…the I AM forces joined together can really shift things


Real life is earth based…and the nature of that reality is a construct of the mind. YOU create your own reality…even here on earth.


So I'll end again with YOU decide what outcome you want an direct your consciousness towards that.


To dumb it down..the outcome with the most votes wins.

Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 24, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.486993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9179 >>9681 >>6613




>The "Alternative Intel Source"

THIS board does NOT say Brenden Dilly, it says ALTERNATIVE intel


you deleted my posts…and you are now on watch…I cannot think anything more relevant to the subject of this board than what i posted…that you deleted it…is telling. Lynn has already run off…that's also telling. So fuck off…it will be reposted elsewhere…your deletion only makes it more obvious it needs to be seen.

Anonymous ID: 3bffbc Feb. 24, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.487013   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I've read all you've posts on your subject you've presented.


>It reads very well.


trying to distill information down to something as clear as possible without being fear mongering..isn't the easiest thing to do. You can decide for yourself if something is good or not…but you should probably not be deciding for everyone else.