Anonymous ID: 49ea2e Feb. 20, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.442324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2394 >>2481


" Nothing has been unlocked; just lots of "we need to" and more "we need to." "


I think you're wrong. My opinion. I think this RaAnon is someone we've met before, or a close relative. Check out his posts on the other thread for spiritual research. And this guy on YouTube that I've been following off and on for 18 months, trying to figure out if he's delusional or the real thing, has been saying the exact same thing:





Anonymous ID: 49ea2e Feb. 20, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.442553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3279 >>3284


If you're implying what I think you are, it's not that simplistic. I trust NO man, but test the fruit, and from the mouths of two or more witnesses. Unless RaAnon is Jonathan Kleck, which I won't discount, that means i've got two witnesses, and my Spidey sense says this is it.

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e Feb. 20, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.444251   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here's what I know: I need a savior because without Christ I can be pretty horrible. And I'm as "good" as the next "good" person.


I'm like Paul, admitting that among sinners, I am chief. Man is not basically good in my opinion, he's basically bad if left to his own devices. This is illustrated by the reps we send to Washington, who all become corrupted. Or almost all. They just can't help themselves. Without Christ, and with daily association of only swamp creature peers, I can easily see myself travelling down the slippery slope and becoming like them.


I believe that Q is a Christian (at least he speaks like one), but Ra is not. Ra and many people on this board appear to be more into eastern mysticism (I'm not judging or belittling; just stating what I see), and that's not for me. My tuning fork does not vibrate in harmony with those beliefs. So I'm packing up my duffel bag and moving on out of this board. This whole Q trip has exhausted me, and I don't know what to believe about anybody anymore. Ciao!

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 10, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.612506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7107



In my opinion, Dilley is a NWO plant. I'll explain in a separate post. But for now, I want to point out Adam Riva's website and YouTube channel, DauntlessDialogue. He comes across as credible, organized, put-together, and professional. You don't need an anon to cull thru an hour of BS like Dilley's to get to the nub of his Intel source's ("Arthur") info drop. His latest drop is in the video below, and "Arthur's" earlier drops can be accessed thru the link to his website. I've been learning some observance techniques from Bombard's Body Language YouTube channel, and when Adam repeats what "Arthur" told him, his "body sings with him" ( to use Mandy Bombard's phrase).





Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 10, 2018, 9:14 a.m. No.612623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9666

Why I think Dilley is a phoney:


  1. Pretends to not care or know anything about Q. Totally not credible, or incurious/oblivious in the extreme.


  1. He's running for congress dressed as a slob, acting like a rube, doing everything but picking his nose in front of the camera while on YouTube and periscope? Yet one anon said he came across as much more put-together and professional during the live debates. How do the elite view us, so how would they dress and act to "fit in" with us?


  1. When I saw the huge field of Republican candidates running alongside him, the first thing I thought was, the NWO is running a scam to dilute the potential vote for a true, honest populist by setting up a whole bunch of them, thereby ensuring the election of the uniparty candidate.


  1. Dilley has no humility, all braggadocio. He never wanted nor intended to win; he was just a shill to distract from Q. Who in their right mind would pick HIM for Intel drops?


  1. He never released anything verifiable that was different from Q.

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 10, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.615530   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yeah, I saw that posted on GatewayPundit.




But that's two different tactics used by the left (and by the RINO elite) .


Run a bunch of fake populists on the Republican primary side to saturate the ballot and drain votes from the one that the Washington elite don't want, thus electing the manipulable one, and now:


Run openly-known CIA agents on the Democrat side in the general election.


We have to start fighting fire with fire, and start dishing it back to them. Run openly liberal candidates in the Dem primaries with hidden populist beliefs. Only problem is, where do you find people to choose who are social media tabula rasas regarding political ideology? Anybody can be outed these days.

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 19, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.722608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2687

Have any of you anons delved into the roughly 8 month postings of MegaAnon? Her drops can be viewed here, and they are quite compelling, and her language is salty.




For me, this revives Dilley's credibility. Not from anything specifically said about Dilley or specific intelligence corroboration between Dilley's source(s) and MegaAnon's, but rather what she says about the swamp having its origins in elections at the local level.

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 19, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.723995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7380 >>5967



After reading thru Oct-to-early-Dec MegaAnon posts, a lot of what she claimed would happen/come out in news in "upcoming weeks" is only showing up now in March. To paraphrase her, "the swamp doesn't wear a fucking watch, so stop looking for exact timelines."

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 20, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.736981   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have a hunch that everything we're seeing with Trump, Sessions, Q, and Mueller is a giant sting operation against the uniparty and the MSM.


Watch this movie clip (it's not very long) and picture Trump as the Newman character and Sessions as the Redford one.




Part of the movie plot:


Hooker finds Henry Gondorff, a once-great con-man now hiding from the FBI, and asks for his help in taking on the dangerous Lonnegan. Gondorff is initially reluctant, but he relents and recruits a core team of experienced con men to dupe Lonnegan. They decide to resurrect an elaborate obsolete scam known as "the wire", using a larger crew of con artists to create a phony off-track betting parlor. Aboard the opulent 20th Century Limited, Gondorff, posing as boorish Chicago bookie Shaw, buys into Lonnegan's private, high-stakes poker game. Shaw infuriates Lonnegan with his obnoxious behavior, then outcheats him to win $15,000. Hooker, posing as Shaw's disgruntled employee, Kelly, is sent to collect the winnings and instead convinces Lonnegan that he wants to take over Shaw's operation. Kelly reveals that he has a partner named Les Harmon (actually con man Kid Twist) in the Chicago Western Union office, who will allow them to win bets on horse races by past-posting.

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 20, 2018, 5:34 p.m. No.737048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q has said "This is not a game. Learn to play the game." The sting is a game, but it's for very high stakes which is deadly serious. Why doesn't Trump shut up about Mueller? He just doubles down and keeps ratcheting up the calls for Mueller's protection. If Mueller has been flipped, either to save his skin or because he's a marine, every MSM mouth, every Adam Schiff, Pelosi, Graham, etc. mouth is going to hang open in disbelief when Mueller announces he can't find anything.

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 20, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.737103   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q has said, multiple times, enjoy the show. The show of Trump pretending to lambaste Sessions as Mr. McGoo, the show of Trump acting boorish to egg on the manic response from the media.

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 24, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.781997   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What does this have to do with Alternative Intel? Take your religious posts to one of the biblefag threads (search the catalog) and stop cluttering up this one.



Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 26, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.804531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4946 >>5007 >>9553




Okay, I think ((I'm)) gonna buy it. Q2 is the only thing that makes sense. It's written in a straightforward, "adult" way that neither Q nor Arthur are capable of. Arthur talks like a foulmouthed, foolish teenager and Q talks like a Hardy Boy, with all that ridiculous (in hindsight, it seems ridiculous) coded intrigue. Q2's explanation, especially of Trump's appointments like Nikki Haley, John Bolton, et al., is the only one that makes sense. And if you watched his Omnibus "concession speech", Trump looked uncharacteristically defeated and deflated.

That presidential contract Q2 ta!ks about has that awful ring of truth.


The question is, what can we do about it? How do we help? A lot of us are exhausted and stymied, too, and we were buoyed by the arrival of Q.


Q now seems to have been a mirage . . . he looked really good from far away, but in the cold light of day, he disappears.


I'm feeling pretty hopeless, I confess, and I'm thinking of dropping this whole Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys game for a plain old serious stint of long-term intercessory prayer. Only God can get us out of this.

Anonymous ID: 49ea2e March 27, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.813540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3915 >>4785 >>4798 >>4839




This is going to sound crazy, but after calling Q a Hardy Boy with his ridiculous coded intrigue, I cannot shake the strong and out-of-the-blue impression that Q's initials are MF. If true, then I'm the one who's ridiculous, and if true, then trusting the plan would be easy because Mueller would be a huge sting/ psy op. Oh please, oh please!