i dont think anything is going to happen but talk nothing tangable has happened the tax cut wont help till next year and even then the states will find ways to take that extra money from you this Q is just a distraction "Q" said that all the alphabets new that Florid was going to happen and no one stopped it i am done and most of my people are done tired of waiting on something that is not going to happen Q and Trump have let us down they need to prove it by action or quit
thank you i had great hope with the start i jumped at the info during the Vegas and waited on each drop and worked thru them could verify everything but every main player is really free and walking except for the few that died or dissapperd but to stay a believer this i need a big fish to fry i am to the point that this is a distraction as i watch my bank account drain gas and power bills climb and all the small people suffer i dont think anything is changing for the better just a reshuffle i pray every day that something will happen but even my insurance is getting gready and my scripts just went up for the 4th time this year no real help just talk i will still watch and pray i am wrong but while everyone has been watching Q there is tons of stuff happing behind the seans that is very bad for every American and i dont see it being stopped