To The Social,Financial and Political Elite
Psalm 55:23
But you, God, will bring down the wicked into the pit of decay;
the bloodthirsty and deceitful will not live out half their days.
But as for me, I trust in you.
I know you New World Order types arent interested about
us Ordinary folk. We are so well: dirty, stupid, disposable oh
and very uncouth.
We dont know how to hold a fork properly, and dont understand
Modern Art and we dont even know whats good for us.
Clock is Ticking! 300 plus Years of Fun is about right.
Nicholas II family had about the same before he was
offed. Hmm but you folks like a good party.
Remember there are many more of us Ordinary Folk even some that
are educated can think for ourselves and want a better world.
Orange Jumpsuits with clash badly with Hollywood Smiles
and fake tans. But at least you have some comfort in the knowledge
that you will all be with the best possible people in your new homes.
Not to worry some may not have to wear those gauche Jumpsuits long
Hey you might even get to make some entertainment, pin the tail
on the Squealer. I spy with my little eye something begining G
Guards, GITMO. oh and more Guards.
Bravo you are being brought down by some of your own, would hate to
be one of them!!!!