Anonymous ID: 9c0c68 March 2, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.536908   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I agree with the two of you. Dilley is very arrogant, rude, and dismissive. He presents himself as a person who is sacrificing his career and his life for the betterment of the people but everything he does or says screams me, me me!!!! Just look at his campaign photo, same as his profile photo, which is better suited for a dating site as opposed to a professional position. A realtor would not use a picture like that as a commercial advertisement, why would a person who would like to be the representative of the voters in his district (which he did not even live in (Maxine Waters))? Perhaps a used car salesman, but probably not even that.

I do not mind a person who has confidence, but a person who is an arrogant braggart is not going to generate the type of voter response needed to win an election. His appearance while he was campaigning on periscope and Facebook was a far cry from professional as well. I would not expect him to wear a suit but business casual would not have hurt his cause in my opinion. Dilley gives off the impression that the world needs to conform to his way and mannerisms as opposed to conforming himself to the position of responsibility he desired. He was not running for the president of his high school senior class. Conduct yourself appropriate to the position you desire.

I could not believe when his source told him that the information, and Dilley as a presenter of the information was of benefit to him. Dilley responded that they needed him, not the other way around. How did that work out for him?

I do not have any doubt that there was some election fraud that took place during his election but there will be nothing that DIlley can do to change the results. If Q and the government could not immediately void the election in Alabama, what do you suppose a group of volunteers with no resources will be able to manage to do?

I do not know if the Dilley information has dried up, but I suspect that the DOD person was simply a sign that he would not be getting any additional information from this point forward. I am actually surprised that the Dilley source continued to provide him with information as long as he did. Basically his platform and microphone has now been removed and I suspect that if his source can share any additional information, they will seek out a better messenger, but that is simply speculation on my part at the moment.