Anonymous ID: a946fe March 23, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.771335   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In a previous (month ago?) DD video where he relays Arthur intel, the info was essentially the exact same as a Dilley source intel drop posted a short time before. I surmised at the time DD was having a nice larp and a laugh on the patriots, so I unsubbed from his YT channel to avoid distraction.


I forgot all about DD until this recent "stage 5" video. After watching, I remembered him from the previous intl drop video that caused me to unsub. I then went back through a number of his videos, plus took note of his overall content. He aligns very well within the range of sincere people trying to bring down the cabal by informing the public. He does come from a "younger" perspective similar to Isaac Green (anti-school), with concerns common to their generation.


I concluded that even if DD is pulling a bit of a larp with pretending he has this intel source named Arthur, while actually getting it from another source (Dilley), the info hasn't been disinformation, or different than what is presented by known intel operators such as meganon, Dilley's source, or Q.


Then again, perhaps Arthur is also Dilley's intel source. If so, what does it hurt having multiple voices laying out an actual intel operation, with the intention to inform us in advance of potential mayhem/storm? When/if SHTF for a period of time, who is going to care how many voices tried to forewarn us?


I couldn't find any other source of the Stage 5 Will Start By This Weekend info. Anyone know?

Anonymous ID: a946fe March 23, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.771570   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As far as not believing any of it anymore, because of being burned, consider that what POTUS and patriots within the military and intel communities are trying to do is historic and vast. If we use the example of D Day during WW2, where they had to pull of the greatest land invasion, from the sea, with all it's complexity, planning, secrecy, deliberate deception, even that had to be delayed because of rain.


Considering that the theater of operation in this case (cabal deep state takedown) is not just a strip of beach along France, but the entire world, suddenly the level of complexity is multiplied. Also, the enemy is not just in Nazi German controlled Europe, but everywhere, especially in our own country, including some of the most trusted people. "Who are we taught to trust the most?"


If delays and disinformation are part of the plan, that's just how it is. We know disinfo is definitely part of the plan. Let the cabalists get lulled into thinking Trump is just larping them. Just trying to scare them straight with talk of a storm, hints of arrests… In the meantime, a battalion of military police (which includes skilled craftsmen who's job it is to construct prisoner facilities during times of war) were sent to GITMO in late December. That can be confirmed. Also, 18,000+ sealed indictments can be confirmed.


It's just raining.