Anonymous ID: d7a2fc Feb. 9, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.322341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7278


Learning To Fly w/Congressional Candidate Brenden Dilley

"Michael Hastings Raw Intel is scary, I wonder who has twitchy feet now that coded Anon post told them we have the WHOLE story fully deciphered

Crumbs drops sometimes for the purpose of the perpetrator ONLY

Fly, fly, fly. We can hear you breath."


<Begin INTEL>

Message to the people who are misusing INTEL.

We see you and we hear you.

Make no mistake, we will silence you.

The Republic stands on a foundation of TRUTH, NOT on lies.

We consider those who DISTORT INTEL to be the ANTS for the enemy combatants

We squash ants.



Dilley to Periscope: "So maybe don't fire up a new YouTube page and start repurposing information and adding your own crap to it. Probably not a good look."

Dilley writes to INTEL Source: "I also said, I hope the hammer is dropping soon. Natives are getting restless now that the corruption is in their face"

(Basically, Dilley hopes something happens soon)

Intel Source Replies:

"Natives need to be patient. Corruption is so widespread it's frightening. No escape means we take all out. Not half a job but ALL, and that takes time."

Dilley to Periscope: "So he's letting you guys know it's gonna take time. It is extremely pervasive corruption and you are going to have to tolerate being angry for a little while with what seems to be slow moving investigations."

"What does 'Misuing INTEL' mean exactly? There are people who are taking the information and ADDING what they think is important (whatever that may be). Maybe they've got some conspiracy theory and what they're doing is that they're adding it in to what I talk about. They're basically modifying… information"

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc Feb. 11, 2018, 1:06 a.m. No.334910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5184


Thanks Anon! Confirming same info:


Debate Recap and late night Intel w/Congressional Candidate Brenden Dilley

Looks like there was a Presidential Executive Order that was an amended to EO 13223.


Go Look it up yourself.

What was amended?

It was amended by adding AT THE END:


<intel source>

"wonder how many of them are sitting on the 12 military panels running right now?"

"12 panels off/(of?) 12"

"This old EO info can now be revealed to the light in the correct context.

"Marine Group ready to snatch 44"

"Tonight will be OFF THE CHART"

"POTUS will use EBS more than once in this next week"

"Hold onto your hats. SHIT IS GOING TO GET REAL

<end intel source>

EBS - Emergency Broadcast System

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc Feb. 11, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.346918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481


(Part 1)

Sunday Night Recap w/Congressional Candidate Brenden Dilley

Dilley jokes: "Yeah, lots of Q posts tonight! Q keeps stealing my Intel. Grrrr"

"Q is like legit stealing my INTEL as my stuff was coming out!"

Intel source was about to drop "this, this, & this…" but Q scooped it!

Dilley talks about the 'Watch skies of California' drop that occurred a few nights ago.

He then received a bunch of DM video & photos of CA skies with "tons of drones. Very, Very Wierd"

Someone in Periscope says that the don't trust Q.

Dilley responds back, "that's fine, I don't blame you"

"The whole point I think is just to have fun and enjoy this experience."

"This is the collecting red-pilling of America, by the way!"

Someone in Periscope asks "Who was on the Russian plane?"

People in Persicope answered CFO of Uranium 1 Company (Rosatom)

Dilley then comments on his attitude about Q:

"If it gets more people involved in exploring and learning about the country, it's a positive thing"

Dilley feels the same about his own Intel source.

"If people are just simply bringing America into the KNOW, it's a good thing."

That's what matters the most… People are waking up every day


<Intel Start>

Raw Intel needs to be deciphered and put into correct Intel batches.

It's that huge of a task. It can't be done in days.

We're talking years and years of corruption.

A cancer that infected every branch of government.

To have every ounce of evidence for Military Tribunals, you have to exhaust ALL Intel

<Intel End>


Dilley begins passionately stating that he's been saying this for months

"If you were really gonna to clean up the system, you have to respect how cancerous and broken it has become."


<Intel Start>

We have to cut the head of this satanic, corrupt system forever.

Many have died and many will die.

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY Patriots.

ES is toast.

One less Gatekeeper

<Intel End>


Anonymous ID: d7a2fc Feb. 11, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.346927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481 >>9318

(Part 2)

Dilley doesn't know who 'ES' is nor does he understand the meaning of 'One less Gatekeeper'. When Periscope suggests it's Snowden, Dilley is adamant

"No, it's not Snowden, no it's not. He actually told me that specifically. He said it's not Snowden"


<Intel Start>

Time to roll a significant name:

"Beatrix of the Netherlands"

<Intel End>


Dilley is aware of this individual but states he will not discuss it at this time.

Dilley wants to the tie this to the "House of Orange" but admits he could be wrong.

Dilley then begins receiving from Periscope audience that "ES" is Eric Schmidt (of Google)

Dilley asks "He died?" (Gets corrected that he only stepped down)


<Intel Start>

"Beatrix of the Netherlands"

What part has she played on the world stage?

Do your research.

How intertwined is she?

What's her link to Barbara Bush?

What has she been involved in?



Real live Hunger Games?


Did a recent EO affect her?

Where is she now?

Another card-carrying NAZI

Just for clarity, 'ES' is not a reference to Edward Snowden

Q drop regarding Snowden is separate to this Intel

ES is someone else, a GATEKEEPER who resigned.

<Intel End>


Dilley then states "I have more, a lot more, so hang tight"

"ES stepped down as head of Google. He was also heavily involved with the Clinton Campaign and Obama. Oops!"

A lot of people complain about Dilley's informal style on Periscope.

People get so frustrated with comments like:

"He's not concise enough"

"Get to the point"

"He goofs around too much…"

Dilley states "I do it on purpose"

"You guys just need to be like… I'm trying to bring you back, you need to come down"

"I got more intel I was gonna give you guys, but you guy just need to…" (Gives hand motions to calm down and chill out)

"I don't want you guys holding onto every word. It's not good. Anxiety gets up."

Continues reading Intel drop, Skips over a snippet, stating "I don't want to mention that…"

Dilley then tells Periscope audience that he will read rest of Intel in FB Live…

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc Feb. 11, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.346932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481 >>0441

Brendan Dilley FB Live 2/11/2018

(Part 1)


<Intel Start>

Anyone notice anything strange in Cali last night?

Look at the skies

Drones overhead

Raw Intel needs to be deciphered and put into correct Intel batches.

It's that huge of a task. It can't be done in days.

We're talking years and years of corruption.

A cancer that infected every branch of government.

To have every ounce of evidence for Military Tribunals, you have to exhaust ALL Intel

We have to cut the head of this satanic, corrupt system forever.

Many have died and many will die.

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY Patriots.

ES is toast.

One less Gatekeeper

Time to roll a significant name:

"Beatrix of the Netherlands"

What part has she played on the world stage?

Do your research.

How intertwined is she?

What's her link to Barbara Bush?

What has she been involved in?



Real live Hunger Games?


Did a recent EO affect her?

Where is she now?

Another card-carrying NAZI

Just for clarity, 'ES is TOAST' is not a reference to Edward Snowden

Q drop regarding Snowden is separate to this Intel

ES is someone else, a GATEKEEPER who resigned.

<Intel End>

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc Feb. 11, 2018, 10 p.m. No.346948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481

(Part 2)

Dilley then kept asking questions and Intel source responded:

<Intel Start>

Q just dropped a McCain drop I wanted! BASTARDS!

Important to state timelines and future situations are CHANGEABLE as the moving parts constrict and expand.

React or Attack



The evil has(had) their chance to shrink in the dark

They choose to fight the light

Now they must die

Q is 3 posts away frome a doozy of a post



Doozy came out as 737

736 was correction post, thus setting doozy back one

Bloody Q being a bugger

Remember now the old crumb we left regarding another GITMO?

Future proves past

We're operational now

Radio Silence

<Intel End>


Dilley then brings up older Intel he dropped about RICO charges.

"@PrayingMedic" reached out to Dilley and notified him about new 1300 Sealed Indictments getting unsealed about a "huge online network", several thousand…

Periscope got back to him: 11k arrests, 1300 indictments

Each sealed indictment doesn't necessarily mean a single person

Total 13,600 sealed indictments

Some ppl have multiple sealed indictments

There are wheels turning…

Dilley then addresses the Q/INTEL followers:

"I also know that a lot of you are addicted to this whole game of espionage/intelligence/narrative/war"

"You guys are patriots, you care about your country, so you follow this heavily, right? You're very emotionally vested"

Just like the Patriots that were on the Campaign Trail with Dilley yesterday,

"They were so well educated on the issues and they're heavily vested. And I love all of that, I think it's fantastic"

"But I also don't want you guys to become too emotionally involved to the point that you're not able to enjoy your own lives. A lot of you stay up at all hours."

More common Red-Pill facts. (To be continued maybe another day… but very common knowledge to those that follow Q)

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc Feb. 14, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.378177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1909

The block is getting hot w/Congressional Candidate Brenden Dilley



Dilley is now clowning anyone who comes to his Periscope ONLY for the Intel! ROFL

Today, Dilley called out this Board/Thread!:

"You guys can add this to your 8Chan 'Brendan Dilley Statements'" (Personally, I'm honored he sees this!)


<Intel Start>

Currenty In lock down

In Complex C

Coordinated Attack

Systems are safe

7 injured is the true figure.

2 are in custody of which 1 of them is injured.

<Intel End>


Dilley's Comments:

"F16s flying over W Palm Beach right now"

"The reason they freaked when Trump won is the NSA has everything you've ever written ever anywhere in a digital format. That's not just you. That's Anyone/Anywhere" - Going back to 2009

Once Trump had control of that Apparatus (The NSA), he could figure out where the corruption was.

"Admiral Rogers knows EVERYTHING!… They ALL KNOW"

Recalls the "FBI Text Messages" conveniently "missing", but 24 hours later, "TADA!"

NOTHING is missing digitally

You have to be SO NAIVE to believe that you could lose a text message in 2018.

"I am continue to maintain my position that THEY HAVE EVERYTHING"

The only thing you're watching (right now) is theatrics as they try to bring the "American Public" up so they can actually drop the hammer.

It needs to happen sooner or later. We're reaching a major crossroads soon - people (on the RIGHT) are getting impatient.

This is a GLOBAL cleanup, which is why you're seeing things EVERYWHERE

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc Feb. 15, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.394277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4521 >>4653 >>4789 >>8962 >>1739 >>4839 >>0038

I'm Back… AS PROMISED! W/ Congressional Candidate Brenden Dilley

Feb 14 Evening Periscope


"The Dilley Derangement Syndrome is Real!" LOL

As always Dilley states "I can't substatiate the veracity of these drops. You guys are brilliant people, you're intelligent Americans, I trust you to be able to figure out what this all means… cause a lot of this, it doesn't mean anything to me. It doesn't make any sense, okay? So I'm gonna drop some of this with you guys and I know there's a lot of you that are really following the Q posts and I know this stuff, this information… might be overlapping…"

Clarification point Intel source wanted to make regarding the "House of Orange":

Very powerful family heavy into Sex Trafficking of children

It fell a few years ago but they STILL play a role

The thing to clarify - this Intel WAS dropped in LATE November/early December but Dilley sat on it this whoLe time.


<Intel Start>

The House of Orange is key piece.

<Intel End>


<Intel Start>

What bring a narcisitic piece of trash out of his safe compound more than a 'feed-the-ego' moment?

44 thinks he's untouchable

When, Where, and HOW will YOUR snatch-and-grab change the narrative?

Patriots Rise!

Pray, Pray, Pray


Bush 41, What is your RAP sheet?

Did it start in 1945?

Who influenced you?

Nuremberg for you, NOW

Your true colors soon for all to see.

Pray, Pray, Pray


Patriots Rise

God, Country, Humanity

Radio Silent till Hawk Up

New York City Coastal area is a CONCERN

Patriots Alert

Pray, Pray, Pray

<Intel End>


He then reads A Periscope User stating "Ex-Presidents are UNTOUCHABLE"

Dilley responds back, "Yeah til that next Executive Order gets rolled out - Oops!"

States "Here's the Tip-Off: Once that next Executive Order is rolled out, Ex-Presidents, Ex-Anything, it's not gonna matter who you are! You could be touched. ALL OF YOU"


Dilley repeats last Intel Drop about Ex-Presidents

He then acknowledges that this drop sounds a LOT like Q

Dilley states that at the same time (Early November) Q made his presence known, his Intel source bean reaching out to him (probably within 48 hrs) - NOT A COINCIDENCE.

Dilley actually blew off his source for the 1st 2 weeks - not knowing what it was until things started happening. Some DISINFORMATION!


Dilley begins discussing NSA shooting and how it is deliberate false reporting in the MSM.

There were NOT only 2 ppl injured but 7, 1 dead, 2 in custody (one of the severely injured)

"This is not what it seems. And as usual, you have one HUGE event happen HERE, and within 2 hours, you have a major event down in Florida"

Brendan then gets spiritual and talks about his race and his relationship with God.

Very critical/focal statement made:

"I'm learning something - that when keep God & Country first and foremeost in your approach, what happens is that everyone who attacks you destroys themselves."

Proof - Go look at everyone who attack President Trump. Go look at everyone who

tries to take down Bill Mitchell in YourVoice America.

"We all pray. We all believe in this country"

Your Voice America is "GOD & COUNTRY" - PERIOD!

"God is trying to guide us out of the darkness - This is what I believe!"

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc Feb. 17, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.409641   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks Anon! Great Job!

That was the "VERBATIM" Intel Drop from last night's Periscope (2/16/2018):



Also, in this previous Periscope (same day),


Dilley drops a few small crumbs:

"He reaffirmed… felt pretty good about whatever Jerome Corsi tweeted out earlier (?), PAY ATTENTION TO THAT!"

"Apparently, Jerome Corsi tweeted out something that REAFFIRMS OUR INTEL previously regarding Voter data. I don't know - I didn't look at it but he said (INTEL Source) PAY ATTENTION. THIS IS IT!"


Verbatim from INTEL Source:

<Intel Start>


"No one in their(our) group is sharing any intel with an account called 'Royal Mister Bad News'"

<Intel End>


Non-Dilley (My investigation):

THese were the only 3 tweets by Corsi yesterday regarding Voter Data:




Anonymous ID: d7a2fc March 16, 2018, 2:11 a.m. No.683618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3757 >>5928


Thanks Anon!

Reposting.. even though yours is pretty good!

Part 1:

Dilley Drop 3/16/2018


Dilley has 3 sources. Put them together, corroborating intel paints a compelling story.

Mueller is giving the President the most public thorough proctology exam in the history of government right now.

3rd source - smartest person Dilley ever met.

3rd source had an interesting conversation with a former marine colonel - This ties directly with Q

This former marine colonel after 20 years out of the forces (currently a school superintendent) had been "recalled" or "pulled back in" for duty

Dilley then recalls when Mueller had his White House visit the DAY before he was appointed special counsel.

Dilley states "This is so much deeper than what most Americans understand, even deeper than what I previously understood"

Based on Intel given to Dilley, "Former MARINE Robert Mueller… "

They're cleaning UP the DEEP STATE & here's how they're doing it…

They're recalling military… FORMER military, OLD SCHOOL military

Guys that left that were still somebody

"I believe, based on this source, that Robert Mueller was 'RECALLED' for duty"

Objective - they are recalling former military, men of honor and rank for this OPERATION that is currently underway

To deny that there is an operation underway is SHEER ignorance

18,500 sealed indictments since Oct 30th

I believe that the conversation Robert Mueller had with President Trump the day before being appointed SPECIAL PROSECUTOR was not an interview, it was DUTY, he's a MARINE

Who is President Trump's Chief of Staff? Who has he surrounded himself with?

Mueller is NOT DEEP STATE!

Mueller is an Active Duty marine working as a Special Prosecutor to exhonerate your President so that when they drop the HAMMER on the Deep State, and 18,500 sealed indictments come out, you don't have a bunch of leftists screaming that he's the next Hitler.

You're in a spy movie.

I believe Robert Mueller is "quietly Active Duty"

There's you context for everything that is happening

Active and formerly retired military personnel are reaching out to me WAY UP, that wanna have conversation

These recalled marines are answering directly to POTUS

All this is Kabuki Theatre, Bill Mitchell YVA nailed this last summer

This is deeper than you realize. Much more global than you realize.

It's an ACTIVE BATTLE day in and day out.. RIGHT NOW - information-wise

It's for the OPTICS, that's the real battle

Deep-State Optics.

There is division within YOUR movement and it's not organic or personal… It's absolutely deliberate division, it is on purpose.

They want you disenfranchised, divided, fearful

Fearful people make stupid decisions, say stupid things and hurt people that are actually there to help them.

FEAR is a plague and it is a CONTROL APPARATUS


Mueller investigation has been one of the most well-orchestrated military ops I belive in History in combination with what else is we've got going on behind the scenes.

The purge is 100% real

Why does Mueller want more "info" - who cares? He's there to investigate EVERYTHING

And if you really wanna see a Deep State Cleanup.

If you wanna see the swamp DRAINED in its entirety, the only way you can do that without divding the country, like OVERNIGHT in civil war,

YOU HAVE TO HAVE A CHARACTER who is investigating President Trump


You have to have that exoneration ahead of time

Troll - "You need some VISIBLE wins"

Dilley responds "WHY?"

I don't know if you have to HAVE FAITH IN MUELLER to do the "right things"

You gotta be careful with certain words,


You can have faith that he is doing the job that he's is being asked to DO


And if he has IN FACT, been secretly military recalled, then HE'S FOLLOWING ORDERS

Who does the marines answer to directly?


Anonymous ID: d7a2fc March 16, 2018, 2:12 a.m. No.683622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3757

(Part 2)

Mueller was a "marine". And there ARE NO FORMER MARINES.

My guess is that he was recalled prior to this "Special Prosecutor" talk. That's my intuition.

Bill Mitchell and I have made this assertion since last summer…


But what I never had was that missing piece which I now have…

Which is why it makes even more sense… It is confirmation.

There are so many LEVELS to what's going on that are in different directions

The reason that you're being asked to Trust in God and Trust in the Plan is because there are people involved in this plan


They're being used deliberately

People ask "Is Sean Hannity's Outrage legit?"… Answer: Probably

You wouldn't wanna tell a guy like that what's going on if you needed him to feign outrage to keep everybody looking in this direction.

YOu need legitimate reaction and so you feed everybody different information and intelligence to keep them reacting a certain way. It keeps people safe.

The less consensus you reach during an op like this, the safer people are.


You have to keep people fighting and arguing and defending and looking all over and it keeps…

I believe it keeps th operatives involved in this situation SAFE

The only thing you can ask all of the people with their own opinion to do, is to trust in the plan and have faith in God.

That's really all you can ask the people to do.

And to continue talking and dialoging… Q drops went from 1 million ppl to 20+ million in 90 days.

My Global overseas source has direct and immediate experience dealing with the Brown Shirts and George Soros over in Europe. Not Hyperbole

There is a picture of a Senator from Illinois in the early 2000's in the Ukraine on the front page of the Kiev newspaper touring a chemical weapons plant… if you were so inclined to look (That would be Barry).

Barry has his mug probably in 2004 on the cover of a newspaper in Kiev, touring a chemical weapons plant in the Ukraine. It's out there. It exists… dig it up.

Why important? What does it have to do to today?

It ties directly into what you're seeing the media and even our own government putting the blame on Russia.

Don't have the pic… I would've tweeted it. This ties into EVERYTHING.

There is an operation in this planet right now to try and save it.

It is deeper than money, deeper than power. It is real.

Some Periscope followers already found it during the stream.

Summary: This is WHY there are so many military men involved. This is the missing piece.

2 out of Dilley's 3 sources have confirmed.

"There are no coincidences"

They're setting the stage & controlling the environment for the next.

Q says elections don't matter at this time… Dilley says he's starting to believe it.

There is about to be a "game changing move"

If you didn't believe that POTUS is in control. Or that there is a master plan being orchestrated in front of you,

how in the ABSOLUTE HELL was there not a single leak regarding North Korea?

Think about it! Nobody saw it coming.

NOT ONE LEAK leading up to to NK, SK, & US meeting.

Not 1. No sabotaging of it, no conversations about it, just BAM!

That is total control. Look at your news… how bored are you day in and day out, other than the fake news.

You only get big news when the President says "drop Big news"

Within government (today), you don't have a bunch of leaks like you did last March/April.

The only bread crumbs and stories you get are the ones Your President tees up for you!

Someone in the Periscope pointed out the President Trump mentioned that talks were going well with N.K.

And the entire Leftist controlled media all dismissed him. He was ignored.

He's leaving you the breadcrumbs right in plain sight.

If you ever want to see "what's coming" in this country, read President Trump's twitter timeline in reverse.

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc March 16, 2018, 2:12 a.m. No.683624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3757

Part 3

I think that the Q community hopefully takes the piece that I've just shared and apply it to all the other drops that you have received and maybe it'll give you more answers. I hope that that helps.

Because this missing piece, at least for me, puts so many other things into context.

And so maybe if you apply this potential knowledge into what your own investigations have shown you, because I know you're putting some sort of a map together.


Shout out to 8ch, shout out to 4ch for being willing to do what they do. Cause that's the real power of the people. It's collectively solving a problem in real time that way. IT'S BRILLIANT!

They didn't get enough credit when the election was over, but then, at the same time it wasn't an accident that the Military Intelligence world went back to Chans as a source to drop their new information.

It's kind of like a "tip of the hat" to you guys. A lot of people there get upset. "Our work is being shared elsewhere. How dare you."

I don't think you guys fully understand the fact that they're selecting YOU GUYS (and GALs) as the 1st place of release for information. That's the tip of the hat.

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc March 16, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.694243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7301

Dilley Drop 3/16/2018


"Barrium Meal with McMaster" - The WaPo absolutely has no reliable sources

Someone (who was a leaker) got WRECKED yesterday (within the White House)

They were feeding new media/old media, you name it!


Once WaPo ran with the story, EVERYONE ran with the story. White has was like "Oh Really? No he's not going anywhere"

Dilley's source said that he will still be on his way out, just not right now.

Great week for the REPUBLIC this week.

  • Exciting things happening in Your Voice America

  • Exciting things happening within the Administration

  • Continuing to OUT whatever leakers we've got left

  • We've got top military men being called back to duty over the course of who knows how long (maybe last year or 2)

  • McMaster staying put (for now)


Brenden's theory:

If you were a top military man in the last 30 years, you HAD to do a lot of things you didn't wanna do if you wanted to survive the DC swamp.

It probably didn't agree with your CODE or INTEGRITY.

It's not to say that these guys are all innocent, but it IS to say they understood the environment from which they operated.

"When the environment becomes TOO toxic & untenable with integrity, you don't really have good choices.

Sometimes your choices are "John McCain or Barack Obama"

Sometimes your choices are Bush or Kerry

These are SIMPLE choice examples, think about what choices these soldiers had to make.

Many of the top military men are from the REAGAN era, who are being called back.

There are people who had a DISTINCT KNOWLEDGE from the 80's, 90's, early 2000s. They're the ones who seem to be getting called back to duty.

Here's one thing you need to ask yourself:

If you have a bunch of military men who had to do things that they weren't proud of what they were being asked to do….


And you give them an opportunity to redeem themselves,

I trust the miltary man to have the incentive to redeem himself moreso than a civilian/career politician…

Because a career politician usually has never known a code, they've never had any kind of code or conduct, or a PRIDE of any affiliation,

BUT if you GIVE a bunch of MILITARY MEN -

See this is how we drag these guys (through the mud), whether it's McMasters – "OH He's a GLOBALIST!!! Ahh"

Think about all the different Military Men called these (bad) names…

BUT then all of you seem to forget that these MILITARY MEN follow orders


That's how they maintain the chain of command.


Imagine after 30 years of watching your country fall apart & watching men die under your watch because of NEGLIGENCE and BAD LEADERSHIP,

You were given an opportunity by an incoming president to save your soul, to save your name, to save your EVERYTHING, your LEGACY.

And now all of a sudden, a man like McMaster

or maybe even POMPEO, or maybe some of these other people who have been identified like Mueller


If you're a marine, like Mueller was, a CAPTAIN in the Marine Corps,

and then for 30 years you have to neglect your code because you're taking orders..

And you do a bunch of thngs that you don't wanna do?



You're not gonna go against the swamp…

You're gonna basically bide your time, you're gonna speak to your other friends, & generals, and admirals behind the scenes

You're gonna retire prematurely

Another guy who has had a bad rap and has been drawn through the mud - Petraus - ruined. But do you know his real story?

Same thing with General Flynn

Do you wonder why POTUS encircles himself with military men?

As I told you yesterday. And it was confirmed to me yesterday:


These are the men that you can most appeal to

Military men also have a sense of history, right?

They don't wanna be left in the history books as traitors to the country

I also think that President Trump taking the step to pardon that naval soldier

who took the pictures (in the submarine) WENT A LONG WAYS towards his credibility with our military.

Already he had a ton of credibility but I think even moreso.

You also have to remember that he built up a ton of credibility with our military by changing the rules of engagement which allowed the military to be more efficient and to keep soldiers safe. This all goes toward building credibility with these distinguished men.

They went "THIS GUY IS REAL"

A lot of skeptics are always asking whether this guy is a good guy/bad guy…

When judging the past, look at the names of the individuals involved.

When they are military men and women, take their behavior from the past under past administrations with a total grain of salt.

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc March 16, 2018, 10:48 p.m. No.694250   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Part 2)

Because military men don't operate like lawyers who work for the FBI

Military men don't do the things that these guys do over here

It's not a free pass. I just want you to understand the rationale as a military man… see as a military man, one of the worst things you can do is NOT follow orders, especially the further up the chain of command you go, the more you respect that process, even bad orders as I've mentioned

So they just go:

"I do my job and I'm a good soldier."

But it doesn't mean that they don't feel badly about what's happening.

The guy that we don't say his name is NOT a military man… He's a treasonous scumbag.

Be careful with judging your military men too prematurely.


I've also been talking to other military men about a little thing called "STRATEGY" - somethings that most American citizens don't seem to understand.

You all just wanna gaslight and get everyone angry - "Ahhrgh, he's walking free!"

Here's the deal:

When you're getting to go into combat, when you're getting ready to engage the enemy, it is the United States' military opinion and strategy to control the environment from which you engage. Many of you don't understand this concept. It's like I don't attack unless I have the high ground.. PERIOD. That's the way U.S. Military operates.

You must SET THE STAGE for attack.

And if you control the environment, your assault tends to be all at once.

When you don't control your environment, you would basically take off pieces at a time.

When you don't control the environment, that means the ENEMY controls the environment. You would do it in "parts"

Anonymous ID: d7a2fc March 16, 2018, 10:48 p.m. No.694253   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Part 3)

When YOU control the environment, you would line up things like an executive order seizing assets.

You would line up an executive order that says, we've got a place to put these guys, GITMO

You would line up an executive order that says, I could charge you even if you're not a military person in the military court BASED on the severity of your charges


YOU WOULD NOT DO IT LIKE "Oh, let's grab John McCain randomly"

Like you're not gonna grab a guy like that and everyone else is gonna flee and now the enemy is completely aware of your next moves.

You would just continue to buy time and move pieces around the board.

And then when you're done, and you're ready, you go zzzt (like a drawstring'd trashbag)

Just like the North Korea deal

"North Korea is gonna bomb us! North Korea is gonna bomb us!"

Silence for Weeks, Silence for months…

Then all of a sudden..

Oh, we cut a deal with North Korea IT's peace , WE'RE GOOD!

and then everyone goes "North Korea's been a problem for 50 years"

and YOU just go "It's not a problem anymore"

Like Now, North Korea is like "ahh, you know what, we wanna give you back our missles and the nukes… sorry about that.. OUR BAD"

Shocked - "What?"

The President and our military men are controlling the environment which will be where the battle takes place.

Let me pose one important question to you guys:

If I'm in many ways being recruited by MILITARY MEN to run in November..

and my NUMBER 1 complaint is that they rig elections which HE confirmed… Yeah "the elections are rigged", but they're still PRESSING ME to run…

Knowing that I'm like "I don't wanna waste my time if it's a rigged election…"

And the person(s) (Military men) are just dismissive.. and they say, "IT'S OKAY, JUST RUN"

What would you deduce from such a thing?

What would you deduce if someone is telling you "Oh yeah, the game is rigged, but you'll be okay by November. Just Run."

Wouldn't you kinda go… "but I don't wanna waste my time"

He's like "no, no, you're good… just you're good, just stay the course,

God & Country"

That tells me they're like "Be patient", "God & Country", "Trust the Plan", "Stay On Course"