Q - It was very clever of you to use an International Q Signal to ID the VOAT Board. QRV means: I am ready / Are you READY. Yes, there are International Q signals. See below:
International Q-Signals
Q-signals are a system of radio shorthand codes that are as old as early wireless as derived from early telegraphy codes. Q-signals are a set of abbreviations for common information that save time and allow communication between operators who don’t speak a common language. Below is a short list of the most common Q-signals. There are many more.
QRG Your frequency is _. What is my frequency ?
QRL I am busy. Are you busy?
QRM Your transmission is being interfered with. Is my transmission being interfered with?
QRN I am being troubled by static. Are you being troubled by static?
QRO Please increase your power. Shall I increase my power?
QRP Please decrease your power. Shall I decrease my power?
QRQ Please send faster. Shall I send faster. (Used for Morse operation)
QRS Please send more slowly. Shall I send more slowly?
QRT Please stop sending. Shall I stop sending?
QRU I have no messages for you. Have you any messages for me?
QRV I am ready. Are you ready?
QRX Please wait. Shall I wait?
QRZ You are being called by ____. Who is calling me?
QSB Your signals are fading. Are my signals fading?
QSK You can break-in on my transmissions. Can I break-in on your transmissions?
QSL I acknowledge your message. Can you acknowledge my message?
QSO You can make contact with me. Can I make contact with you?
QSP Please relay my message to __. Can I relay your massage to ____?
QST Announcing a message for all radio operators.
QSX I am listening for messages on _. Will you please listen for my message on _?
QSY Change to another frequency. Shall I change to another frequency?
QTC I have message(s) for you. Do you have any message(s) for me?
QTH My location is______. What is your location?
QTR The time is_____. What time is it?