I got thrown out of three apartments over a fifteen-year period with rent decontrol, with a baby and major health problems. In the first instance, the building became exempt when the owner moved in, and my rent doubled thirty days later. Dealing with social services was a steady diet of attempted humiliation. The system is designed to be predatory. Captialism is actually vampirism. The legal system pays lip service to justice, but serves those having the power of money.
The system, legal, financial, educatonal, medical, is rotten. Strangers weighing in on people's lives they don't give a shit about, who they devote five minutes to for analysis, no justice can be served in those kinds of sound bites, it's a sham. Court proceedings, civil and criminal, are based on short, acceptable fictions.
I read that something like 70% of criminal cases end up with plea bargains, and if people would refuse and go to trial, it would shut the system down. Please do.