Anonymous ID: c1f37c Sept. 23, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.3154196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4257 >>4331 >>4418

not sure if this was caught


MarketsAnon here… i think i stumbled on something very relevant related to the SKY EVENT… actually oddly enough while i am in the sky…. I will have to come back later and expand but wanted to send out what i have so far..


In the most recent post, Q talks about a BIG SKY FALLING EVENT… in the same post he also references [speed]


From my daily grind… i know that right now Comcast is in a major negotiation/auction for Sky PLC against FOX with major news coming out this weekend that comcast all but locked in the winning bid and that the final vote is coming up this week. Even more interesting is that Disney is involved here as well.


All of this became very interesting when i unrelated to this Sky Event, searched for speed. Here is what i found. There seems to me something big about to happen with this deal or in the markets … and maybe something to impact soros's interests.


Also noticed similar footprints all over the place when it comes to searching speed. A lot of talk about assets, control, ownership and how to make it hurt.


Hopefully this helps. I havent been able to connect it much to the clock however … not yet besides that today is [:50] and in the movie speed that is the speed limit being discussed the whole movie.


(this is my first real graphic and props to all the hard work for all those that post.. so happy to be contributing something.. hopefully its something. )


seriously sorry if this was caught.. such a newb here.