Anonymous ID: f48ded Sept. 23, 2018, 1:40 p.m. No.3154353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4595 >>4671


RED COATS Inc - employ by Blasey Ford dad:

“Red Coats” were military owned by the British Royal Crown. Seems to be code for ‘UK Crown owned’ commercial spy network inside USA.

Red Coats were army intended to bring down the USA rebels in Am Rev War. Goal probably the same today.

Symbol used appears to be a “C”= Crown sitting on a Throne.


Also cycles back to UK actions to prevent success of DJT as Prez. British spy Steele, Brit citizen Huber paid as agent by FBI. Clinton “Rhodes scholar” with allegiance to UK - same as Rachel Madcow and George Stephanopolis (Rhodes).

Dr.BlaseyFord prob being a HoltonArms MKultra sleeper just awakened.

Anonymous ID: f48ded Sept. 23, 2018, 1:59 p.m. No.3154595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4775


Also BlaseyFord hubby may be handler.

Hubby Russell Biddle Ford


RUSSELL dynasty - old Brit northern Lords since Tudor days. Became pirates. Took over control of opium markets within East India Co, then founded Yale University and “Skull & Bones Club” of perverted Free Masons.


BIDDLE - early New Jersey Brit settlers, “suddenly” wealthy. Nicholas Biddle /BIddulph (1786-1844) was prez of 2nd US Bank, early version of Fed Reserve Bank owned by EU bankers/ royalty.

Biddle and Prez Andy Jackson had showdown. Prez Andy prevented the Biddle led Fed Reserve type invasion.

See statue of Prez Andy in WH Oval Office.


FORD - haven’t finished research but Wizard of Oz “Lyman Frank Baum” is in there. Prez Ford’s dtr (and VP Gore’s) went to Blasey Ford ’s Holton Arms hot lips high.

Anonymous ID: f48ded Sept. 23, 2018, 2:19 p.m. No.3154841   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Springmeier stole one of my books (“borrowed” never gave it back).

Showed bloodlines of European royalty to US politicians and early movie stars thru a man’s called Dr. John Strong, early UK settler in Am colony.