Anonymous ID: 756eb4 Sept. 23, 2018, 2:27 p.m. No.3154915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4925 >>4965

hmm, intersting book, had a premiere on 9-11 this year

someone already 'reviewed'

it starts like that:

Note that “Made America Great”. The unavoidable implication is that Biskind believes popular culture – and movies, in particular – foreshadowed the rise of Donald Trump and his MAGA hordes.

He is less interested in pitching left against right than pitching centrists against extremists from either wing. /thats good, no??/

>later the idiot concentrates on dinosaurs genitalia and how avatar cant be an extreme-left movie b/c it just cant


can you dig any favorable reviews/opinions anons? pic related



Anonymous ID: 756eb4 Sept. 23, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.3154925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4965





re: Q the sky is falling week


a film under that title i found from 1999 looks like dead end judging by summaries/topics on imdb

the other one (embedded) looks interdasting if you take the code phrase in one way, look:

>The fox convinces the duck that the sky is falling, and the duck tells the hen, and both of them tell the pig, and the three of them tell the King and, the next thing anyone knows is that TSIF - reads like a fuckin playbook for SPYGATE


but CHICKEN LITTLE dig (where does the phrase TSIF possibly comes from) told me that: The phrase "The sky is falling!" features prominently in the story, and has passed into the English language as a common idiom indicating a hysterical or mistaken belief that disaster is imminent.

sooo.. fisa uncovered / kavanaugh in / red wave imminent.. obama&hillary panicking? stupid moves? more under the bus throwing? smaller birds singing?


or just msm reeeing after those facts above will cumulate in american collective mind? possibly ww

'cause chicken little is - one of folktales that make light of paranoia and mass hysteria [wiki]


also, if we follow the chicken little sky is falling rabbithole not only we find the characters in re-tellings having always rhymy names (which brings to mind all nicknames trump coined for ds actors over the twats buut

>An "oration" delivered to the city of Boston on July 4, 1844, contains the passage:

To hear their harangues on the eve of the election, one would suppose that the fable of Chicken Little was about to become a truth, and that the sky was actually falling.

>Fear mongering — whether justified or not — can sometimes elicit a societal response called Chicken Little syndrome, described as "inferring catastrophic conclusions possibly resulting in paralysis". It has also been defined as "a sense of despair or passivity which blocks the audience from actions". [again wiki]

would also possibly mean that if they override their fear narrative then their mentally unstable hypnotized hardcore libtard audience goes into despair as described above.. possibly meaning they'll be open for a mindchanging revelations kek, or they just stumble around mumbling paralysed while patriots are winning.

just a thought.

Anonymous ID: 756eb4 Sept. 23, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.3154965   🗄️.is 🔗kun




bonus 3 cause bodies were too long..


also, have to paste this about disney animated adaptation kek:

>a 1943 animated short released during World War II as one of a series produced at the request of the U.S. government for the purpose of discrediting Nazism. It tells a variant of the parable in which Foxy Loxy takes the advice of a book on psychology (on the original 1943 cut, it is Mein Kampf) by striking the least intelligent first. Dim-witted Chicken Little is convinced by him that the sky is falling and whips the farmyard into mass hysteria, which the unscrupulous (((fox))) manipulates for his own benefit.

i believe the movie we are watching closely is not produced by (((disney)))


buddhist take on that story is even clearer anons

>The hare starts a stampede among the other animals until a lion halts them, investigates the cause of the panic and restores calm. The fable teaches the necessity for deductive reasoning and subsequent investigation.

thats the tale of q and the band of anons


and vid hopefully embedded /just noticed it ends in Q/ was uploaded 2 years ago, on 26-Sep-16, 102 views kek

i'm sorry anons but this wolf attacking a chicken (get what im seeing) salivating and getting his kicks up kicking himself in the butt repeatedly before next attacks looks totally like a pedotale, a hardcore one even just foloowing the plot minus costumes and cartoonish obv look.. the both the pedowolves (cant really have msm in such a childs film can we) terrorise/hypnotise already panicked victims into a frenzy.. and (((same))) wolves masquerade as authority just to nicely pack panicked sheep in the oven.. just a 420rabbitholedig mostly probably like i said before..

anyway mighty trump comes in the end and btfos the pedos big way (they get buried under their own made ovens, think gitmo) and saves all the little animal anons - i could die when i see the good-hearted but mind-controlled leftists finally de-confused and cheer trump (and whomever comes out as a hero in next 6 years) when the plan is done


inb4 wall of text is another pic related kek



tl;dr - the sky is falling could mean msm/bad actors going into frenzy sensing imminent danger or just hypnotising the masses to believe in it in order to u know STOP TRUMP, the orders wont change until theyre all gone n done

Anonymous ID: 756eb4 Sept. 23, 2018, 2:40 p.m. No.3155027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>31549 15

>>31549 25

>>31549 65 (here if forgot pic related which is obv lag and pic related)


and then re to >>31549 17

>> 3155000


sorry for wasting bread but that is unexpected TOP KEK for me today no matter how (non)important my ramblings above, TY baker, have a good sunday night anons