Remain Calm and Qanon!
"The Imp of the Perverse" Theory by Edgar Allan Poe
As Poe describes this theory:
We stand upon the brink of a precipice. We peer into the abyss—we grow sick and dizzy. Our first impulse is to shrink away from the danger. Unaccountably we remain… it is but a thought, although a fearful one, and one which chills the very marrow of our bones with the fierceness of the delight of its horror. It is merely the idea of what would be our sensations during the sweeping precipitancy of a fall from such a height… for this very cause do we now the most vividly desire it.
Schumer is the conducter - evoking the audience's fear
Grassley is 2nd Trombone - playing the scary music
They never thought she would lose - like Poe's theory - they thought they would reap the benefits of their murderous acts for years
They fought back - as long as they don't confess their secret is safe
Q+ brought the storm - the rats started going mad
The rats poor out into the streets "The Sky is Falling" - the sleeping public are awakening and becoming suspicious
When does a bird sing? "After a storm…" Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
The rats can't take it anymore and start 'singing'
Q+ convicts them and some are guilty of treason - death by hanging.