Anonymous ID: fbfcf3 Sept. 23, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.3155169   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5212

>>3155041 Luciferians are BIG into foreshadowing! Something about the rules of engagement of their luciferian worship requires them to "tell us" what they are going to do! The premise (and they're right) is that we are so stupid they "can" tell us what they are going to do, but we are so stupid we won't recognize or BELIEVE what they ARE telling us! Satan l has (not for much longer) access before The Throne of God (see Job 1:6) …I believe God allows satan to do what he does, but, God put a qualifier on satan's work that said he has to tell us what he is going to do before hand!

Anonymous ID: fbfcf3 Sept. 23, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.3155247   🗄️.is đź”—kun


This whole deal has really surprised me! From the day of obummers election I held the position that "that was it"…that we had crossed so far over the proverbial "line of demarcation" that we had fully entered into God's Judgment. I'm as staunch a Constitutional red blooded patriot as they come, but, I also know something of God's Word and I know, in the end, the antichrist will reign, utilizing the boot on neck Orwellian one world gov't for 7 years, HOWEVER, with the emergence of President Trump on the scene, I was blown away and recognized that we've been given, by Grace, more time as a nation!