Anonymous ID: 2e98aa Sept. 23, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.3157229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyone remember that korean president who was arrested for being in a cult?


I didn't realize she said this:


The Choi family gained media attention in 1986 when Park’s little sister, Geun-ryeong, wrote a letter to the Blue House to expose their abuse of power over a nonprofit foundation for children’s welfare a legacy of her late mother. “Choi is a crook and he should be sternly punished and my sister Park Geun-hye should be saved from his capture,” she wrote at the time. Choi Tae-min died in 1994, but rumors spread that his daughter continued to exert her cult-based influence over Park.


“Choi Soon-sil reportedly said North Korea will collapse within two years,” Rep. Woo Sang-ho, floor leader of the Minjoo Party, said Thursday. “She appeared to be a shamanist prophet. If Park was captivated by her prophecy and implemented her foreign and North Korea policies, this is a serious problem.”