Anonymous ID: 682b68 Sept. 23, 2018, 5:59 p.m. No.3157853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7881 >>7910

Something fishy is going on. Stormy with her name and crazy description of Trump's penis. Omarosa and her nuttiness. These two accusers and there bizarre stories with laughable "evidence", changing stories, lacking memories. Something, something, something is NOT right. Dildos are going to somehow going to come into play (no pun intended) with serial numbers filed (filed off? filed away?) Are all these people actresses? Do they work for Trump to somehow demonstrate how easy the left is to snow - how they will believe anything their leaders tell them? Have they been unknowingly hypnotized and this will demonstrate it to them? I'm just spit-balling here but I don't think any of this is as it seems. It's all just too "twilight zone" to be real.