Anonymous ID: 169940 Sept. 23, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.3159783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9801 >>9867



The sky is falling because their firewalls have been breached. The plan has already been executed, and they've already lost control over the 3rd branch of our government. Now they're just trying to delay the inevitable. We're watching the show play out now as they scream like banshees and flail about trying to make a big scene and spit poison in every direction (on camera and social media in particular) to create enough noise to force another response from the Republicans, who seem too afraid of political optics to actually grow a spine. I pray that Grassley's plan includes finally standing up to them to stop allowing them to call the shots.


Here is a decent read about potential changes that are anticipated once Kavanaugh replaces Kennedy:


If Kavanaugh confirmation vote isn't completed before the end of September, he won't participate in any cases that start hearings before Kavanaugh is sworn in. The court reconvenes on October 1st, and here's the Supreme Court's case schedule for October: